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Thief on the compromise of U.S. Bank still insists on not "tip" of the employee after the implementation of the theft

لص أمريكي سطا على مصرف يصر على ترك
American fireman refused to abandon the status of generosity, even as he burgles a bank in the city of Dulles, as he insisted on providing $ 20 tip to the employee him after the implementation of the theft.

The network «MSN BBC» U.S., the police arrested Jesus Ventura fireman (73 years),after a compromise on a bank in Dallas, and gave a value of $ 20 tip of the amountstolen by the cashier.
She pointed out that the Ventura Police entered the bank at the beginning of this weekand threatened the cashier, who offered him assistance, saying, «Give me all the money», and after that happened on the amount, he took $ 20 and putting it under the protective glass that stands behind the employee. Ventura police have arrested as he tried to rob a store. The man said he was suffering mental disorders and depressionwas not dealing with his medication.
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