Shift Joy to the funeral after he finished working life of his father when he fired shots into the air from a machine gun to celebrate the wedding of his sister came out a stray bullet from his gun mechanism, which he was carrying during the celebration of the wedding of his sister area contractors Arabs settled in the belly of his father's word on the impact of his last breath, hit a invited to the wedding and was taken to the hospital in critical condition, free report on the incident by the investigating prosecutor.
Started details of the incident to receive a police station a second Nasr City, a notice of the Arab Contractors Hospital according to the arrival of "Mohammed. M" 58 years dead after suffering a gunshot wound in his stomach took his life, was to notify director of Cairo security incident and ordered the formation of a research team to uncover the circumstances of the incident and the arrest of the perpetrators , go detectives to the place of the incident and found inquiries and investigations director of the Cairo police that the victim held a wedding ceremony for his daughter
Joy of her wedding in a street area of the Arab Contractors, and during the celebration was the brother of the bride shots from an automatic rifle he was carrying, but he could not control the correction shots came out a stray bullet lodged in the belly of his father and wounded one of the guests with a bullet in the leg was taken to the hospital for treatment the accused was arrested and forwarded to the prosecution.
In the face of President Mahmoud El Sawy Nasr City on behalf of a second A number of witnesses the incident that the bullet that exited an unknown source in an attempt to remove the suspicion of the accused ordered the prosecution quickly about the FBI investigation and autopsy of the victim to indicate the cause of death.

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