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British call the police because his girlfriend want more sex!

بريطاني يستدعي الشرطة لأن صديقته ترغب بالمزيد من الجنس!
After that the dream of the night "red" surprised by this man that his expectations weregreater than he imagined, and the reason is the desire of his girlfriend in more and moresexual intercourse.

According to the British newspaper, that this man desperate escape from the balcony and complained to the police insist that his girlfriend was more than sex.

They are reporting that this man, aged 43, had known the woman, and four years older than him, which, in a bar in Munich in Germany.

And then took him woman to her apartment where they have sex several times, andwhen I asked him more sex man refused to weary, and the impact of urgency fled awayfrom the balcony and asked for help from the police, strange that when officers arrived, police tried to this woman to co-opt to establish a sexual relationship with her.
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