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Found on the plate stolen to the French artist Cezanne in Serbia

  Officials said on Thursday that police found in Serbia on the board of the French artistPaul Cezanne had been stolen at gunpoint from a museum in Switzerland four years ago.

The painting bears the name of (the boy with a red bra), which media said it estimated at more than $ 100 million and is one of the four paintings stolen by three masked menin an armed robbery at a group Bohrl Museum in Zurich in 2008.

The office of the prosecutor in Zurich, said police had arrested four people in the town ofCacak and Belgrade in the southwest of Serbia on Wednesday in connection with thetheft and that the Swiss director of the museum confirmed that the original painting.

He informed the Special Prosecutor Maljko Radesavlgeevich organized crime news conference that the suspects wanted to sell the painting has been found inside a car for 3.5 million euros.

"We received 2.8 million euros before their arrest."

And the perception of the painting, believed to be painted in 1888 a boy dressed as a traditional Italian wearing a bra and a red handkerchief and a blue belt.
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