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A spokeswoman confirmed a formal sermon Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

  Spokeswoman confirmed the U.S. actor Brad Pitt on Friday that he and actressAngelina Jolie engaged.

The spokeswoman said Cynthia House Dante told Reuters: "Yes, that's for sure. He promised for the future and their children very happy. No date has been set at this time."

And Beth (48 years) and Julie (36 years) are linked since 2005, and shall raise six children together, but they say they were from before they were not planning to marry.

But he was taking a picture of Julie in a museum in Los Angeles this week, put a ringlarge diamond engagement finger in the house contributed in its design.

The jewelry maker Robert Prokop said the ring was designed specifically for the bride in cooperation with the house.

Pitt and Jolie had previously resisted pressure for their marriage, despite numerous reports over the years that their wedding is imminent.
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