The song "Maradona Salawi" angry British and the Argentines rejoice, and Al Wasl confirms Maradun retain a copy of the song in his car.
The song "Maradona Salawi" The issue of controversy in the media, English and Argentine, where it held first that the Argentine star does not deserve all this attention from the Arab masses and the masses of interfaces in particular, and described the myth as a symbol of deception, according to the newspaper "Emirates Today."In contrast, Argentine newspapers praised the song, and said that the spread between football fans in the UAE, confirms the position occupied by the great legend Maradona in their hearts.The newspaper commented Telegraph English that the masses of focal wanted to express her love for Maradona through this song, despite the knowledge that someone is controversial and may not endure his stay long in the UAE because of its problems continued, and the Guardian newspaper was published in its website, the song, and stated that she embodies the conclusion reached by Maradona is very popular in the UAE, just like those enjoyed in Argentina and Italy, especially among the masses of Naples, noting that on the other hand is a symbol of deception for the English who do not forget the controversial goal in 1986.On the other hand, described the Argentine sports newspaper Ole Balraúah famous song, stressing that Hamas Maradona sparked a focal masses and push it to compose a song of its own, where they are repeating them during matches in the league competitions in the Gulf.It should be noted that the artist Emirates Jassim Mohammed is led from the song, while the poet wrote lyrics on the bellows.Commenting on the ongoing debate between the media, said Director of the Information Office in Al Wasl Ahmed Khalifa, told Emirates Today that "the legend expressed his delight in this song and expressed his thanks to all those who made it," and stressed that "Maradona holds a copy of the song in his car, and to rise from time to time hearers and enjoy it, especially since the song with the words next to Spanish Arabic words. "

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