Professor accused the U.S. famous Peggy Gish offer pornographic material in front of students at the University of California, and it must defend its curriculum after the students submitted a complaint against her last week in which he said it offered to the class tape sexually than 20 minutes according to the Huffington Post.And contained the tape, which was entitled "Gender advanced techniques. Part I "on the sex scenes video. The complaint was a shock to manage Vrinc College of Medicine at the University of California, because the material related to Professor sexual activity of the human.
And Gish defended the administration and explained that the video component of 3 modules to study long-quarterly-related activity of human sexuality within the general curriculum. Chapter examines the physiology and the meeting and the culture and the evolution of the long-term understanding of sexual activity, according to what the administration of the site. The Administration added that it is not compulsory and can be described for those who want students to not attend.
As the spokesman for the Department to the tape "non-sexual pornographic." He added that the aim is to "provide students with relevant information, so all students no matter what the pattern of their education attend to view and point of view and make critical decisions on the issues raised in the chapter."This total does not plan to disciplinary action against the professor, and considers that the case is closed.

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