Samsung aims for the production of screens unbreakable, and is characterized by high flexibility and endless paper.
And characterized these screens flexibility and high-lightweight, and her paper finite, and their break, thanks they are based on technology "TFT" consisting of four layersonly, compared with classes used in the techniques of other screens, such as "LCD -LCD", consisting usually of six layers.
According to Samsung, the technology on which they depend screens "Youm" very similar to those used in the screens of the present generation, but the only difference is the use of "film" flexible and layers "TFT" within the structure of the screens instead oflayers of "glass" the most vulnerable to damage and breakage, which makes thescreens "Youm" more flexible, thinner and lighter than others of the other screens.

A company "Samsung" its intention to begin production of new screens under a new brand called it "Youm", the end of this year, after submission of request for the Office ofpatented inventions, trademarks, U.S., USA, about the new brand and logo of its own,according to "Arab Net ".
And characterized these screens flexibility and high-lightweight, and her paper finite, and their break, thanks they are based on technology "TFT" consisting of four layersonly, compared with classes used in the techniques of other screens, such as "LCD -LCD", consisting usually of six layers.
According to Samsung, the technology on which they depend screens "Youm" very similar to those used in the screens of the present generation, but the only difference is the use of "film" flexible and layers "TFT" within the structure of the screens instead oflayers of "glass" the most vulnerable to damage and breakage, which makes thescreens "Youm" more flexible, thinner and lighter than others of the other screens.
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