Doctors said that the baby was only three months old was beaten to death by her father,where she died on Wednesday at a hospital in Bangalore, India.
The doctors that the child Afrin remained on a ventilator since entering the hospital withbleeding in the brain and the separation of the paragraphs of the neck and signs ofburns, last Sunday. Police arrested the father, Omar Farouk (25 years), who relativessaid he was tortured because he was a baby wants to have a male and not female.
The pediatrician at the hospital, told reporters: "We are sad to announce that the right ofthe child Afrin her heart stopped this morning, we tried to revive, but we were not able tosave them." She added that the chances of saving the life of the baby was almost non-existent because it had entered into a comatose-like state.
The Afrin after the death of a baby girl called the orbit of the other in New Delhi last month, which was taken to hospital on her body and the effects of human bites. Afrin andbrought to light the issue again on the culture of rampant discrimination against femalesin India, which provoked a wave of indignation and widespread in the country. In somesects of Indian society is seen as a burden material girls, boys are helping to support the family and take care of their parents at the age of old age.

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