U.S. soldiers in front of a battery of Patriot missiles in Poland, Washington says the goal of protection from Iranian missiles (French - Archive)
A senior U.S. official rejected Iran's threats against the installation of missile systems to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Turkey, describing it as statements that do not benefit anyone and said that Ankara share them in their position effort to prevent Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.
And Anthony Blinken said Advisor to the Vice President for National Security Affairs in a telephone interview from Washington on Monday that the threat of making statements that do not serve a purpose for anyone, at least for the Iranians themselves.
Blinken said in the text posted on the U.S. Embassy in Turkey "Turkey shares our goal of preventing nuclear-armed Iran." It is scheduled to visit Joseph Biden, U.S. Vice President Turkey this week.
He announced a senior Iranian military official on Saturday that Iran will target the radar system for early warning of the NATO in Turkey if the U.S. and Israel attacked his country.
The West says Iran is developing nuclear weapons, a charge denied by Iran.
Turkey has agreed to host the radar systems in the September / September last part of the missile defense system, NATO's dedicated to counter missile threats from Iran. Tehran says the purpose of the radar is to protect Israel from Iranian missile attacks if the war against the Jewish state.
New strategyThe agency quoted "dowry" of the semi-official Iranian news of Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh - a senior officer in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard - Saturday as saying "if threatened us Fsnstahedv the NATO missile shield in Turkey and then we will hit other targets."
The head band Hajizadeh air Revolutionary Guards warned that part of the new defense strategy to counter what he described as growing threats from the United States and Israel.
The increased tensions between Iran and the West since the release of the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency earlier this month that says for the first time that Tehran is accused of conducting secret experiments the sole purpose of developing nuclear weapons.
Source: Associated Press
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