Aisha Gaddafi (European - Archive)
Aisha Gaddafi called for the late daughter ofColonel Muammar Gaddafi on Tuesday to overthrow the Libyan Bgamanm new.
In an audio recording aired by the channel "view - which is based in Damascus - Aishaurged Libyans to revolt against the men whooverthrew her father, adding that the present government and thanks to the aircraft arrived inthe North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), by her own.
She said "My father did not go, but it is alwayswith us," and went to talk to the Libyans, saying "Do not forget your father's orders to continue the battle, even if not accustomed tohear his voice."
This recording may lead to Aisha Gaddafiproblem with the Algerian authorities, after it pledged to refrain from statements, and may lead to the denial, and with members of her family from the humanitarian situation of refugees and expelled from Algeria.
The Aisha Gaddafi had fled with her mother,Safia, her brothers Mohammed and Hannibaland their children to Algeria in September /September last, and allowed them to enterAlgeria, the Algerian government "for humanitarian reasons."
Algeria and ordered the family members of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyanresiding on its territory to refrain from engaging in political activities.
Source: Associated Press