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I spoke to media reports today, seeking a Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to recruit12 thousand people from his tribe to overthrow the Gulf initiative, signed in November 23last with the opposition.
And move the location of Yemen Nation independent of the source of a Yemeni described as early as saying that "Ali Saleh acknowledged during a meeting with his associatesrecruited 12 thousand people Republican Guard from the villages of Bani Bahloul and the country the Russians from the Directorate of Sanhan which belongs to the Yemeni president, and equip them to recover the state institutions that are out of control agents of the President and his regime. "
The meeting recognized - according to the source - failure of leadership and planned to drop things back to normal, and respond strongly to protest the organization that included the camps and the headquarters of important government and security. "
The talk about the abortion initiative effort Gulf after the departure of the Yemenipresident's supporters on Friday to the streets of the capital Sanaa, for the first time sincethe peace agreement signed last month. They decided to resume their protests, raising the slogan "if you return back," and gathered near the presidential palace in Sanaa,Yemen, waving flags and pictures of the president, who has delegated his powers to his deputy.
The protesters called Murad medial "We all said that the signing of the Gulf initiative would end the protests until life returns to normal, but the opposition continued protests andpromised to demonstrate this."
Saleh said the rain was raising a valid image, "the opposition does not want to calm the situation, and want to get rid of all supporters of the Popular Congress Party and we arehere to defend ourselves".
Hundreds of thousands of supporters of the Yemeni revolution in more than thirty yard of 18Yemeni province yesterday on Fri-called "Together we achieve the goals of the revolution."
He called Friday preachers and protesters to remove the authority of the sons of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his relatives on the army and security in preparation for trial.
The demonstrators expressed their rejection of any immunities and guarantees provided to the Yemeni President to prevent the trial, after a week in favor of the Declaration ofintention to travel to the United States.
Rebellion institutions
The capital Sana'a and several provinces have witnessed acts of rebellion and protests of demands against the symbols of corruption in state institutions over the past week.
Included institutions that had fallen to the protesters against the regime in favor of the airline of Yemen and the rebel officers and members of the Brigade 35 province Dali, who reported the tanks to demand a change camp commander Brigadier General MohammadAbdullah Haidar and prevented from entering the camp, and responded to Defense Minister Mohammed Nasser Ahmed to their demand to appoint a new leader.
And arrived in Yemen protests to the province of Hodeidah in the West that the protestersmanaged to change leaders and officials of the Naval Academy and Coast Guard, electricity, traffic police, sanitation and other facilities task.
And there are confrontations on Saturday in the city of Aden - the largest city in the south -between security forces and protesters demanding the ouster of President of the University of Aden Abdul-Aziz al-Habtoor issues against the backdrop of financial and administrative corruption accused by members of the faculty of government.
Source: Agencies
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