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A letter from Obama
The couple surprised Almthleean Matt Katz and Aaron Avrinz when the very message of congratulations in Bridahma after 6 months of their marriage ceremony, but was more alarmed when they found that the site is the message U.S. President Barack Obama.
Obama said in the message: "Congratulations on this happy occasion. Michelle and I hope that your lives be full of love and happiness. Marks the beginning of your marriage journPublish Postey extends longevity Ti_arka where the times of joy together. I wish for you to reconcile your relationship and grow stronger over time."
Obama was opposed to gay marriage in the past, but recently changed his mind and said that his view of this topic "evolved." Katz said he did not believe it at first "I thought that the message is a joke from someone, but the slogan of the White House found it made me sure that the message coming from Obama and his wife, Michelle," according to the ABC's of America, which was confirmed by the White House about the health of the message. Katz has documented - 32 years - and Evren - 36 years - married in July 24, 2011, after one day of a law allowing gay marriage in New York City.
Source: Yahoo written

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