Highlights the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in a paper estimating the position of modern obtained Jazeera Net a copy, light on the legislative elections to be held next month in Egypt, and highlights the bets and their implications for the major as the developments sought by the country since the overthrow of its president Mohammad Hosni Mubarak.
The Unit for Policy Analysis Center, which prepared a paper to the call for the organization of legislative elections in Egypt in November 28 next comes amid congestion of political and social sharply revealed a state of restlessness popular and protests in various parts of the country after a prolonged transition period there has been no progress on the the level of a number of vital files.
The paper stressed that what happened late Monday, October 10 / October is the peak of tension, when the protest turned into a pause for a peaceful Coptic demonstrators into clashes that killed 25 people and injuring hundreds, according to the Ministry of Health.
The incident revealed the extent of deterioration in the management of the transitional period as a whole, and reiterated the need to expedite the transfer of power to an elected civilian administration.
The paper argues that large segments of the Egyptian national community is counting on legislative elections as an outlet for political congestion witnessed the street, which has been since the revolution of January 25 one of the most important actors in the Egyptian political scene.
Constituent assemblyThe paper notes that this election major derives its importance from being a legislative Council will come, the basic functions of the Constituent Assembly election than a hundred member to write a new constitution for the country.
The Constituent Assembly shall prepare a draft new constitution for the country no later than six months from the date of its formation, and presents the project, within 15 days of preparation to the people for a referendum on it, and works by the Constitution from the date of approval by the people in the referendum. "
Turning paper the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which is now - according to the Constitutional Declaration issued on February 13, 2011 - the political establishment first holds the real power in the country, and lead the political process in the transitional phase after the receipt of my forelock legislation and implementation.
In fact, the way the performance of the military establishment of the transition and the process of democratic transformation of the occupied area of significant public debate in Egypt in the eight months that the army took power.
Has dominated the debate doubts and questions about the real goals of the army and orientations toward the democratization process and the degree of support for the demands of the revolution in change, in particular its performance and its response to the demands of the revolution marked by what is described as a "pattern rollup" and not revolutionary, a pattern based on the reform of some of the disadvantages of the former regime and not to adopt new standards.
Encountered several parties of the elite criticism of the army, and accused him of re-production of the old system without Mubarak.
The criticism touched the political performance of the military and lead at decision-making and be shown in an authoritarian approach in the use of legislative powers by issuing a series of decrees, such as the criminalization of strikes and peaceful assembly and re-work of the emergency law.
The most recent election laws, which came on the national consensus opposed the election system, the need to adopt the closed list only, while the insisted the junta to grant a two-thirds of the list of closed and one-third of the individual election system.
This has raised considerable debate with a broad sector of the elite considered that the Council does not seek to produce only a weak fragmented parliament will not be able to issue the necessary legislation to accomplish the process of democratic transition, control and accountability of the military junta itself.
"The worst of the alternatives"And fear the paper in the context of analysis and autopsy of the political situation in Egypt that the proposed system and a package of laws and legislation adopted is the "worst of the alternatives" - Observers agree that - because it takes from the two individual election and election list Aaoppema together.
Has contributed to the return of elements of the National Party dissolved realm are the rules of the game the election for a period of three decades of investment of capital electoral partisanship and bullying to resolve the results to their advantage, in particular that "the law of political corruption," approved by the government decides insulation only to those who show him a charge to corrupt political life, which requires court ruling, which may be long in light of current conditions.
On the other hand, the menu system is effective in a case of parties that are in the process of being established first. Thus, instead of the competition programs and political visions dominate individual interests.
The other thing most important is the fact that the law governing the electoral process had overlooked the controls regulating some of the most important issues related to integrity and transparency of the electoral process, including - for example - with regard to electoral funding and the need to put a ceiling on election spending.
"Quota" of CoptsThe paper noted that the position estimate sectarian hardening factor and its role in the upcoming elections, especially that one of the most prominent Coptic demands of the demonstrators in front of Maspero was the identification of a "quota" of the Copts in parliamentary elections.
In fact, there are serious concerns that the result of sectarian tension in the country to influence the decision of voters to vote or sectarian in some circles, especially with the emergence of groups with strong religious extremist trends.
It is clear that the proportion of seats allocated to a category, if the fact did not lead to the abolition of societal discrimination against them, it will help to weaken the distinction, especially if enacted laws criminalizing discrimination and punish him severely.
It may be important to ask the parties that there should be a strong and fair representation of women and Copts and young people on their lists, otherwise it will be nominal or symbolic representation.
The paper argues that qualitative and equitable representation of citizens, including the Copts in the lists of parties and political forces is the most important sections in which they can break the sectarian tension to a large extent.
The first elections
So on November 28 Egyptian citizens to vote in the first legislative elections after the revolution, under full judicial supervision and a mixed electoral system and the central state of security and community stability.
He said the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in a paper assessing the situation, the challenges facing the voting process many, but the biggest challenge is how to deal with the traditions of electoral established during more than six decades - at least -and turned the election process of the competition for programs and ideas to thecompetition between individuals Her family and traditional influence, money and the ability to crowd.
The efforts should be directed in the direction that the election is the first step in building a solid second Egyptian republic, a democratic republic.
Source: Al Jazeera
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