Israeli dilemma in the search for a new headquarters for its embassy in Cairo after nearly five months after the incident of intrusion by the Egyptian demonstrators to present its embassy on Fri knew then collecting "Recover the Revolution." To not know that many people who have been storming the headquarters is the second since the start of diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel. Has increased the Israeli flag on the headquarters in one of the first villas Dokki in Giza Governorate, Egypt and received the first Israeli Ambassador Eliahu Ben is an ambassador to the left in the twenty-sixth of the month of February of 1980. But this office did not last long in his place because of lack of relevance in terms of security, especially after the popular rejection of the Israeli presence on the land of Egypt, and the outbreak of many demonstrations and protests in all Egyptian cities, and chanting demonstrators chanting the popular and famous "lock embassy and the expulsion of Ambassador." This has led protests in the month of February from 1980 to the death of the first Egyptian anti-normalization with Israel, a sweetness Saad Idris, who staged a sit in the building of the local council in his village, killed in a confrontation with the security men. West Nile These events prompted the officials and members of the Israeli embassy to resort to another location, and quoted the embassy to the architecture famous, where the occupied floors two next to the surface of the property No. 6 Street, son of the owner, who converted in 2000 to St. Martyr Mohammed Dora, as a result of public pressure, after the boy's deathPalestinian in the events of the second intifada. Have taken place, many questions about why he chose Israel to the headquarters in Giza Governorate (West Nile) in contrast to many countries prefer to east, especially on the island of Zamalek, or district of Garden City, and was told at the time that Israel insisted that the embassy West Nile because it is all that is east of Nile subordinate to it, in reference to the dream of Greater Israel (from the Nile to the Euphrates). She was said to have chosen this place to be higher than the statue of "the renaissance of Egypt," corresponding to the zoo, but Meir Cohen, who was working a spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Cairo between 1988 and 1993, and an adviser press and media and cultural embassy at the time, told the BBC that this is not his basis of health, he was chosen the place for security reasons primarily, and the purpose was to choose one drug within its population lives in order not subjected to any security threat. Whatever the reasons for choosing this site, the lives of residents of the area of the embassy turned to the suffering, they They can not be so engaged their lives running smoothly, do not receive any guests without the scrutiny of the security, and serve it connect to homes, as well as the presence of heavy security all the time is made all arcane detail to protect the Israeli embassy. The situation changed in the wake of the revolution twenty-fifth of January in Egypt, has provoked a lot of Egyptians Israel killed a group of Egyptian soldiers on the Egyptian-Israeli border, and Israel's reluctance to apologize, and demonstrators gathered in front of Homadjal architecture, which includes the Israeli embassy threatened Bagthamha. Storm But Mazad matters worse is the government resorting to the establishment of the Egyptian wall insulation protects the embassy, prompting demonstrators to gather again on Fri-called Friday "recovery of the revolution" and they demolished the wall insulation. And after a number of demonstrators began to climb to the top of architecture where there are the Israeli embassy, and could a youth - and was supported by five others - take down the Israeli flag, and the replacement of the Egyptian flag it. In a few moments until he was able to break into dozens of apartment attached to the Israeli embassy, take stock of them to fall through the windows on the ground, and they were all old documents are stored in the apartment, which is a place to archive the embassy. The floor that has the headquarters of the Israeli embassy, and contains three apartments, and there are all papers and documents related to the embassy, did not reach the people, was unable to demonstrators from storming it. Have begun to Israel in the search for a new headquarters for the embassy, where he attended to Egypt a number of leaders, "Shin Bet" (the Israeli internal security) to search for a new building for the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, especially when it became clear to them that the current headquarters can not be secured in any way. Israeli officials have not settled yet on the headquarters of the embassy in light of popular rejection of the existence of an Israeli embassy in Egypt. Ofir Gendelman was rejected, spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister comment fully on whether Israel has to have stabilized at a new headquarters for the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, told the BBC: "No comment." Where? The rumors ran more than a place like New Cairo and Sixth of October, and one of the areas designated area of Heliopolis Sheraton in Cairo. Whatever the site you will be chosen has developed a number of Israeli officials are certain conditions that must be provided in the new headquarters of the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, including the development of special security arrangements, to ensure the safety of the staff within them, and also enables rapid exit in case of emergency, and to provide the embassy building advanced warning systems, provide early warning in case of the storming of the embassy, to ensure no repetition of the events of the revolution Fri recover again. Following these events has not left the Israeli ambassador to Egypt, Yitzhak Levanon, a lot, where replaced by the new Israeli Ambassador Yaakov Amitai on the fourteenth of December / December of 2011. The Israeli Ambassador Yaakov Amitai initiation of work temporarily from another building, other than the old building was stormed by protesters, who are chosen so that the new headquarters. Yaakov Amitai has tried to calm the feelings of the Egyptian people in his first statement after his arrival to Cairo, where he was happy to work in Egypt in this historic moment for Egypt and the Middle East. He said he hopes to be his time in Egypt in the service of peace between the two countries, stressing that the peace between Egypt and Israel will continue because it is in the interests of their peoples. He pointed out that he had previously worked in banking and the eighties, and his arrival to Egypt again, it achieves a saying «drinks of gaining back to it again». The Yaacov Amitai has begun his work in the Israeli embassy in Cairo in the mid-eighties for years in the tasks of research under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, then worked in America from 1989 to 1993, then ambassador to Kenya, and is responsible for Israel's interests in East Africa, and then served as Israel's ambassador to Ethiopia for three years, then became deputy director of the Center for Political Research. Yaakov is one of the best experts in the Arab world of Israel. Here is appointed ambassador to Israel in Egypt, to be atheist Ambassralasraúala century in Egypt on the list, which included a large number of Israeli ambassadors, who led the Cairo.
Source: BBC Arabic
Source: BBC Arabic
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