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Acts of sabotage and destabilize the security the most important supporters of the charges faced by the Gaddafi (European - Archive)
Court postponed a subsidiary of one of the military tribunals in the Benghazi trial of 41 people loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan late day to February 15 this month.
According to the Libyan News Agency (Lana), the postponement came after the first session, held Sunday, in the wake of hearing the accompaniment of the defense, which asserted that the military court is not an entity eligible for consideration of such issues, and demanded the postponement to study the issue.
And Al-Jazeera correspondent in Benghazi that the accused members of the battalion that carried out the attacks of call the end of July last, and noted that 34 defendants who have appeared before the court out of 41 suspended, while the total number of followers in the case to 300 people.
The Public Prosecution had charged the accused of several charges including undermining state security and carry out sabotage, car bombings and raids on prisons and the release of prisoners to create confusion in the city.
For its part, the representative said the Transitional National Assembly in Benghazi victory Ajala The postponement was made upon application by 15 lawyers from the defense team to review the prosecution evidence, as well as some of the defendants claim their attorneys.
The defendants were arrested after clashes last July left 15 dead, including four of the rebels.
In the context of parallel negotiations continued between Libya and the International Criminal Court on the trial of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, after he threw the rebels arrested in November last.
According to the Libyan authorities that he would be tried in Libya, where they could face the death penalty, while she says Criminal Court - The Hague-based - that Libya needed to answer the questions raised activists about the book Saif al-Islam in solitary confinement, without enabling him to hire a lawyer, and not make Libya any information about his mental state or health.
Saif al-Islam is accused of crimes against humanity, mostly centered around the killing of innocent demonstrators.
Source: Al Jazeera + Reuters
Court postponed a subsidiary of one of the military tribunals in the Benghazi trial of 41 people loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan late day to February 15 this month.
According to the Libyan News Agency (Lana), the postponement came after the first session, held Sunday, in the wake of hearing the accompaniment of the defense, which asserted that the military court is not an entity eligible for consideration of such issues, and demanded the postponement to study the issue.
And Al-Jazeera correspondent in Benghazi that the accused members of the battalion that carried out the attacks of call the end of July last, and noted that 34 defendants who have appeared before the court out of 41 suspended, while the total number of followers in the case to 300 people.
The Public Prosecution had charged the accused of several charges including undermining state security and carry out sabotage, car bombings and raids on prisons and the release of prisoners to create confusion in the city.
For its part, the representative said the Transitional National Assembly in Benghazi victory Ajala The postponement was made upon application by 15 lawyers from the defense team to review the prosecution evidence, as well as some of the defendants claim their attorneys.
The defendants were arrested after clashes last July left 15 dead, including four of the rebels.
In the context of parallel negotiations continued between Libya and the International Criminal Court on the trial of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, after he threw the rebels arrested in November last.
According to the Libyan authorities that he would be tried in Libya, where they could face the death penalty, while she says Criminal Court - The Hague-based - that Libya needed to answer the questions raised activists about the book Saif al-Islam in solitary confinement, without enabling him to hire a lawyer, and not make Libya any information about his mental state or health.
Saif al-Islam is accused of crimes against humanity, mostly centered around the killing of innocent demonstrators.
Source: Al Jazeera + Reuters
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