Concluded in 2011 the process of manufacturing the first prototype of a Kalashnikov rifle mechanism of the fifth generation termed "a K - 12." Has been designing and manufacturing new gun under the supervision of Vladimir Zlobin, chief designer at the factory "Aijmash" Russian.
And enables designers rifle "a K - 12" to improve the mechanism of Kalashnikov weapon specifications to a large extent, so get used to the conditions of modern battle and at the same time retains the unique attributes and a simplicity of design and durability in use and its low price.
Installed and maintained Venice traditional weapon allows the manufacture of a simple design area and allows installation of pipe and stores large capacity it.It is a feature of the gun its ability to develop new models on the base model is essential. It is expected that the development of a gun, "a K - 12" to 20 a model of light weapons used in military and civilian spheres, using the standard shots of 5.45 × 39 mm up to 7.62 × 51 mm.
And introduced new amendments to the gun in their design as it was possible to control by one hand holding the gun in the key elements of arms control, including the security key and the adapter type and the catcher throwing the store and the position of the shutter.
And enables the design of a gun, "a K - 12" mechanism the possibility of installing panel "Bakatana" in order to set up additional devices such as devices payment regular and night and the measure of distance and thrower of bombs and devices denote the target, lighting and other devices that allows the use of the gun during the day and night. Also features a telescopic rifle on the soles of inclosed can be changed vertically and put the back of the soles. The reconstruction can be installed on both sides of the handle left or right.
Characterized by the presence of the new Venice 3 systems for throwing - throwing and firing a single bullet payments have 3 shots and automatic. The gun barrel Vtm designed to enable them to launch foreign-made bombs. And is now manufacturing a new gun stores for up to 30 rounds and 60 rounds and 95 rounds.
In order to raise the effectiveness of the shooting equals solo was provided with "a K - 12" automatic payment to your mechanic with a new long-range, and pipe specifications is characterized by good accuracy in terms of manufacture. It also changed the dynamic specifications of the devices and automatic form of plantar. And introduced to the Venice a new mechanism for Tarek and a new set of latch.
Astkhaddt and the design of new technologies Venice of the coating, in addition to the application of more than 10 experienced technical solutions Venice various models.
And are manufactured gun, "a K - 12" mechanism for use in the Russian army. There is potential for export out of the country.
Said Igor Korothenko President of the Council Social at the Russian Defense Ministry to the reporter radio station "Voice of Russia" that the two copies of Kalashnikov old and new Tfoukan Mtilthma U.S. "M - 16", and said: "We can not compete with a gun" M - 16 "until a Kalashnikov old because they have problems in the fire when used in conditions of climate conditions such as desert conditions. therefore prefer American arms in Afghanistan Bbandkietna "Kalashnikov". with respect to a gun, "a K - 12", it is a weapon unique is characterized by mechanical devices minute. has been prepared more thanmodel of this weapon is currently being piloted. If proof specifications compared with the old models and get the positive conclusions of the military experts will begin to manufacture this gun's cash payments and will be resolved "as a - 12" in place of the traditional Kalashnikov in the Russian army.
And enables designers rifle "a K - 12" to improve the mechanism of Kalashnikov weapon specifications to a large extent, so get used to the conditions of modern battle and at the same time retains the unique attributes and a simplicity of design and durability in use and its low price.
Installed and maintained Venice traditional weapon allows the manufacture of a simple design area and allows installation of pipe and stores large capacity it.It is a feature of the gun its ability to develop new models on the base model is essential. It is expected that the development of a gun, "a K - 12" to 20 a model of light weapons used in military and civilian spheres, using the standard shots of 5.45 × 39 mm up to 7.62 × 51 mm.
And introduced new amendments to the gun in their design as it was possible to control by one hand holding the gun in the key elements of arms control, including the security key and the adapter type and the catcher throwing the store and the position of the shutter.
And enables the design of a gun, "a K - 12" mechanism the possibility of installing panel "Bakatana" in order to set up additional devices such as devices payment regular and night and the measure of distance and thrower of bombs and devices denote the target, lighting and other devices that allows the use of the gun during the day and night. Also features a telescopic rifle on the soles of inclosed can be changed vertically and put the back of the soles. The reconstruction can be installed on both sides of the handle left or right.
Characterized by the presence of the new Venice 3 systems for throwing - throwing and firing a single bullet payments have 3 shots and automatic. The gun barrel Vtm designed to enable them to launch foreign-made bombs. And is now manufacturing a new gun stores for up to 30 rounds and 60 rounds and 95 rounds.
In order to raise the effectiveness of the shooting equals solo was provided with "a K - 12" automatic payment to your mechanic with a new long-range, and pipe specifications is characterized by good accuracy in terms of manufacture. It also changed the dynamic specifications of the devices and automatic form of plantar. And introduced to the Venice a new mechanism for Tarek and a new set of latch.
Astkhaddt and the design of new technologies Venice of the coating, in addition to the application of more than 10 experienced technical solutions Venice various models.
And are manufactured gun, "a K - 12" mechanism for use in the Russian army. There is potential for export out of the country.
Said Igor Korothenko President of the Council Social at the Russian Defense Ministry to the reporter radio station "Voice of Russia" that the two copies of Kalashnikov old and new Tfoukan Mtilthma U.S. "M - 16", and said: "We can not compete with a gun" M - 16 "until a Kalashnikov old because they have problems in the fire when used in conditions of climate conditions such as desert conditions. therefore prefer American arms in Afghanistan Bbandkietna "Kalashnikov". with respect to a gun, "a K - 12", it is a weapon unique is characterized by mechanical devices minute. has been prepared more thanmodel of this weapon is currently being piloted. If proof specifications compared with the old models and get the positive conclusions of the military experts will begin to manufacture this gun's cash payments and will be resolved "as a - 12" in place of the traditional Kalashnikov in the Russian army.
(Video courtesy: VGTRK)
Date of manufacture of Kalashnikov rifleMade Kalashnikov rifle mechanism widely prevalent in different parts of the world, and this weapon is described as the most popular and most "tradition." And classifies the famous Kalashnikov machine gun within the first three inventions of the twentieth century out of 30 inventions changed human life radically.
And called the name of this gun designer Mikhail Kalashnikov for the famous after that.The Soviet Union collapsed but the Kalashnikov empire are to flourish.And characterized the mechanism of Venice "A KM" undervaluation its price and ease of use and effectiveness of the offensive, known as 600 rounds per minute. It is estimated that 100 million pieces of Kalashnikov spread around the world representing 80% of the sales of automatic weapons.Not only the spread of this invention at the official level but exceeded that reached the armed groups and gangs in different areas of conflict in the world.It seems that the Kalashnikov is over-use manual has become a symbol of the many different meanings and symbol found in the flags of countries and organizations made him a symbol for the defense of their freedom and their struggle or a tool of domination, arrogance and unjustified killings, making Mikhail Kalashnikov laments the fate of the machine invented by six decades ago to defend his country in the face of the Nazi invasion.Have contributed to the transfer of technology in the industry this machine to friendly countries at the time of the Soviet Union to the multiplicity of producers have adopted more than 14 countries in the world production, many of which produce this weapon without a license, which the Russian Federation today is trying to recapture it.
It copied the main gun, "a k", which entered the possession of the Soviet army in 1949 and quickly characterized the gun firing of 600 rounds per minute and the extent of throwing 800 meters
There is another version which is a gun, "a Ka or" entered in the possession of the Soviet army in 1959, reaching over 1000 meters throw speed and still throw it 600 rounds per minute
Gun, "a K - 74" entered in the possession of the Russian army in 1974 amounted to throwspeed from 600 to 650 rounds per minute. While the total throw it over the 1000 meters
Gun, "A Ka - or 4" entered the possession of the Soviet army in 1991 and can be usedwhere the rounds 5.56 × 45 (NATO) and 7.62 × 39 and 5.45 × 39 (batch 100) and tacticaltechnical specifications as follows:
7.62 mm caliber
Length of 870 mm gun
Length of pipe 415 mm
Weight of the gun without bullets 3.14 kg
Capacity of the store 30 rounds
The pace of firing 800 rounds per minute
Throwing over the payment of 500 meters to 100 meters
Source: Russia Today
Date of manufacture of Kalashnikov rifleMade Kalashnikov rifle mechanism widely prevalent in different parts of the world, and this weapon is described as the most popular and most "tradition." And classifies the famous Kalashnikov machine gun within the first three inventions of the twentieth century out of 30 inventions changed human life radically.
And called the name of this gun designer Mikhail Kalashnikov for the famous after that.The Soviet Union collapsed but the Kalashnikov empire are to flourish.And characterized the mechanism of Venice "A KM" undervaluation its price and ease of use and effectiveness of the offensive, known as 600 rounds per minute. It is estimated that 100 million pieces of Kalashnikov spread around the world representing 80% of the sales of automatic weapons.Not only the spread of this invention at the official level but exceeded that reached the armed groups and gangs in different areas of conflict in the world.It seems that the Kalashnikov is over-use manual has become a symbol of the many different meanings and symbol found in the flags of countries and organizations made him a symbol for the defense of their freedom and their struggle or a tool of domination, arrogance and unjustified killings, making Mikhail Kalashnikov laments the fate of the machine invented by six decades ago to defend his country in the face of the Nazi invasion.Have contributed to the transfer of technology in the industry this machine to friendly countries at the time of the Soviet Union to the multiplicity of producers have adopted more than 14 countries in the world production, many of which produce this weapon without a license, which the Russian Federation today is trying to recapture it.
It copied the main gun, "a k", which entered the possession of the Soviet army in 1949 and quickly characterized the gun firing of 600 rounds per minute and the extent of throwing 800 meters
There is another version which is a gun, "a Ka or" entered in the possession of the Soviet army in 1959, reaching over 1000 meters throw speed and still throw it 600 rounds per minute
Gun, "a K - 74" entered in the possession of the Russian army in 1974 amounted to throwspeed from 600 to 650 rounds per minute. While the total throw it over the 1000 meters
Gun, "A Ka - or 4" entered the possession of the Soviet army in 1991 and can be usedwhere the rounds 5.56 × 45 (NATO) and 7.62 × 39 and 5.45 × 39 (batch 100) and tacticaltechnical specifications as follows:
7.62 mm caliber
Length of 870 mm gun
Length of pipe 415 mm
Weight of the gun without bullets 3.14 kg
Capacity of the store 30 rounds
The pace of firing 800 rounds per minute
Throwing over the payment of 500 meters to 100 meters
Source: Russia Today
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