Above all first we answer the questions
1 - What is the measure of the fear of God for you?
2 - What is the reason you are looking for sex mold?
3 - Do you feel happy to see the corresponding dirty?
4 - Is Sex is a personal goal in your opinion?
5 - Did you know that the consideration of Muharram of the arrows of the devil?
6 - Do you have made yourself in a terrible situation such as the Day of Resurrection?
7 - When looking at the lust in your opinion?
8 - Have you tried fasting, chastity, in order for the Sacred?
Beginning of the beloved brother .. The confessed to cut your hair and your awareness of the error which it is located is a big part of treatment, and you'll be followed by treatments other, and be highly motivated, panic to the right and its requirements, and not accept for yourself to be with those who said God in them) is most hateful to God that ye say that which does not do you do (3) ((row).
It enjoin what is good does not come to him and forbid evil, and come to him is subject to verses that talk about the hypocrites and the consequences of their actions Allah says:) and if those who believe they said is safe and when they go apart to their devils they declare I am with you but we are mocking (14) ((The Cow) and in the position Qur'anic says:) They think to beguile Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they feel ((The Cow: 9), and the Almighty says:) and if they have to prayer, they are lazy seen of people do not remember Allah save a little ((women: 142) and unto Nrbo your first gallant young man to be so.
Beloved brother .. We must stand with yourself and stop a serious and sincere and impartial from the passions, and considering the reasons that invites you to this dangerous situation, you ascend the platform Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - you have to Taatkhalq morals great, and merits the good, and qualities utopia.
We want you to purify herself from diseases of sin, hypocrisy, and strive to achieve this is your best effort and you could work, documented that the strain itself in this way conciliator meanings:) and those who strive with us a gift of our ways ((Spider: verse 69); Valenvaq may invade the souls locked have any troubles, payable to the crooked ways.
Beloved brother .. Prepared your accounts with yourself, and the computer yourself before you be held accountable, the weight of your business before they weighed you, it shows you from the remembrance of God lived the life of the wretched unfortunate because Allaah says:) and introduce memory of him is a life of hardship and We shall raise him the Day of Resurrection blind (124) ( (Taha).
Here are some tips that I hope that God will help you to obedience:
- Commitment to Islam through the good companionship, the wolf ate the sheep distal, and faith, as you know between Iqbal and retreat, and then must be aimed at yourself in the arms of the righteous; even have a chance to sincere towards the right and to worship Allah and to worship Allah with patience.
- Good to go to God, loyalty and honesty with him, all that a cause for commitment.
- Accounting for failing breath as it is required, or when you commit something forbidden, and treatment for forgiveness and repent to God truth.
- Commitment to good orders and prohibitions.
- Acts of worship and a lot of redundancy and the establishment of the night and a voluntary fast and frequent male and Thanksgiving.
- Reflection and time control to God.
Remember, you are always wrong and infect humans, and the good in us to strive ourselves.
Nhdak this program and practice of repentance from watching pornographic films, prepared by a. Masud Sabri:
1 - Sit down with yourself and ask her frankly:
What makes you see the pornographic sites?
Do you find pleasure in watching nudity?
Do you see out of curiosity?
Do they give rise to satisfying your desires?
2 - See how many spend time? Practical and cost-effective than this?
You will not find only a payoff (loss of religion / loss of time / loss and the duties / wrath of God / good distance from the citizen / favorable self / .. etc.).
3 - Ask yourself:
Do you watch nudity really fun?
Is there no other way to provoke craving halaal?
What is the effect of this action on yourself and your heart?
Do you really want to get rid of this action?
4 - Hold the pen and paper, and type:
What drives you to this work?
Friends / vacuum / stay alone / .. Etc..
5 - See how to address each one:
A - if survive and makes you feel alone in this, know that God sees you.
B - do not sit on your own, your brother or club your friend or your sister or your wife or your mother or any one who you trust
C - Do not open the Internet only in the presence of one of the righteous.
If a good result emerged Vaud yourself that you open at a time in which a sensor that after God with you.
6 - Try to listen to the Quran and you are sitting on your computer.
7 - revealed remembering program on your computer.
8 - Remember that you may die while you are on this condition, and that you are God sent the heads of the people, and you see nudity.
9 - out to the gardens and flowers, and saw the creation, look at the sky a lot, and enjoy the view of the sky and the earth, trees and flowers.
10 - the secret of the sea or on the shore of the river, and enjoy the scenery.
11 - View from the satellite that is useful to you, and I run yourself a permissible alternative for the Sacred
12 - Internet is not everything in our lives .. Try to occupy yourself away from the lively activities of the Internet and your computer.
13 - If you complain about something that drove you to act Vasa to treat effectively and real.
14 - Seek the help of God; of what disappointed him and invited him hired.
15 - Reward yourself or eating a picnic or something you love yourself as long as permissible.
16 - I thank God for having guided you, it is thanks to God Zadeh God of grace, the grace and there is no better than the commitment to the commands of Allah Almighty.
Beware violation tissues of God Almighty .. This most important point I would like to focus on the recent Prophet - peace be upon him - which says: "Oalmn some people of my nation come the Day of Resurrection virtues, such as the mountains of Tihama white, making them God Almighty down the drain," said Thawbaan: O Messenger of Allah, describe them to us, mostly us, that we are not them and we do not know, he said: "As they are your brothers and Jldtkm, and take of the night as you take, but if the people who passed away Bmharm Anthkoha God" (Narrated by Ibn Majah bond properly).
That you can not guide whom you love not Be Allah guides whom He wills
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