Obama supports the function "Time Line" in his page on "Facebook" and joking about the place of birth
Is President Barack Obama's personal page on "Facebook" to support the function "Time Line" which allow for a detailed biography of his life Seizing this opportunity to joke about the place of his birth, which was the center of controversy for Republicans in the previous period.The first information received on the home page on the Barack Obama "Facebook" is any date of birth August 4 / August 1961, followed by a cup of coffee by the certificate of his birth in Honolulu, capital of the Hawaiian archipelago which is located in the American Pacific.As for the second cup of coffee that is sold at the price of $ 22.50 by the Obama campaign team, a picture of the U.S. President with a smile saying "Made in the United States."And carries with it the joke of this criticism addressed to U.S. President Republican rivals who have questioned some of them last year in place of his birth, the White House was forced to publish the full birth certificate of the President of the U.S. in April / April 2011.The team decided to put the president on the birth certificate mugs, T-shirts in the context of Barack Obama's campaign for the presidential elections in 2012. These products are available on the website of the candidate and used sales to finance the campaign.He was the founder of "Facebook" Mark Zakrberg has to offer in September / September last function "Time Line" which allows viewing of the new biography of detailed and complete life from birth according to the chronology and relies, instead of the regular personal page.French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the first heads of state who have used this new functionality a few weeks ago.
And includes the expense of the U.S. president to "Facebook" more than 25.4 million fans.
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