The demonstrators demanded the execution of President Saleh (French)
Tens of thousands of Yemenis in Sanaa on Sunday, a rejection of the immunity granted by parliament to President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and to demand the "execution".
And go change the demonstrators from the plaza near the University of Sana'a, and had intended to go to the U.S. Embassy, but the Organizing Committee and the forces of the first armored division - led by dissident General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar - forced them to change course and return to the arena of change.
The Yemeni parliament on Saturday approved the law of full immunity for the Yemeni president and his aides for the District, under the operational arrangements for the application of the Gulf initiative seeking to resolve the political crisis in Yemen, and the Agreement on the transfer of power.
The text was approved in the House of Representatives of Yemen after the amendment to the original bill, which was met with strong opposition from the Yemeni revolution and youth NGOs.
The amendment - in the text literal passed by Parliament - that he "gives President Ali Abdullah Saleh, full immunity from prosecution and legal", followed by a paragraph further explains the meaning of political immunity by saying that he "gives officials, who worked with the President in the State institutions of civil and military, security, immunity fromcriminal prosecution in connection with the politically motivated they have made during the performance of their official duties. "
This is the law pursuant to the sovereign should not be canceled or challenged, which means that it is not entitled to any point of Yemeni later challenged or canceled and thus the legal abolition of its effects.
DepartureIn the meantime, said a leading party in the ruling General People's Congress that the President Saleh of Yemen will leave soon in a tour of the Sultanate of Oman, Ethiopia, to the United States where he will receive treatment.
The diplomatic sources in Sanaa, the presence of Ahmed Saleh, the Yemeni president's son and leader of the Republican Guard in the Sultanate of Oman for five days to arrange a visit to his father there.
The Yemeni President signed the Gulf initiative on November 23, 2011 in an agreement known as the "Riyadh Agreement", while the party signed the ruling General People's Congress and its allies and the opposition Joint Meeting Parties and its partners on the operational mechanism of the initiative.
Source: Agencies

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