Marie Curie
Post with her husband Pierre Curie and Henri becquerel.
Year 1903
Country Poland and France
Field of physics
Reason for grants in recognition of their services venerable that they have done their research on the phenomenon of the common radiation discovered by Professor Henribecquerel.

Bertha von Sautner
Year 1905
Country Austria and Hungary
Area of peace
The main reason for Grants of Honour for the Office of International Peace.

Salma Agrlov
Year 1909
Country Sweden
Domain literature
Grants reason "admired the noble idealism, imagination and the neighborhood andspiritual approach that characterize her writings"

Marie Curie
Year 1911
Country Poland and France
Domain Chemistry
Grants reason "to discover radium and polonium racist"

Grazia Delida
Year 1926
Country Italy
Domain literature
Grants reason "for her writing of idealism clearly depicting life on the island, which wasthe original home, and dealing with emotional depth and human problems in general."

Sigrid Oondst
Year 1928
Country Norway
Domain literature
Reason grants "mainly to describe the strong for life in Norway during the Middle Ages."

Jane Adams
Jointly with Nicholas Murray Butler.
Year 1931
Country United States of America
Area of peace
Grants reason sociologist and president of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Irene Joliot - Curie
Jointly with her husband Frederic Joliot - Curie.
Year 1935
Country France
Domain Chemistry
Tkhalaiqama reason to grant a new radioactive elements.

Your Pearl
Year 1938
Country United States of America
Domain literature
Grants reason "to describe the rich and epic for the life of peasants in China, but her writing deals on the conduct of persons."

Gabriela Mistral
Year 1945
Country Chile
Domain literature
Grants reason "for her musical, inspired by powerful emotions, which made its name a symbol of the aspirations of the ideal world of Latin America as a whole."

Emily Greene Balch
Jointly with John Raleigh's death.
Year 1946
Country United States of America
Area of peace
Reason grants former professor of history and sociology, and Honorary President of theWomen's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Gerta Korean
Post with her husband Carl and Cory Bernardo Bernardo Houssay.
Year 1947
Country United States of America
Field medicine
Grants for their discovery of the cause of the path of glycogen metabolism.

Maria Gobert - Meyer
Post with Hans Jensen and Eugene and Agner.
Year 1963
Country United States of America
Field of physics
Grants reason for their discoveries concerning the installation of the cover of the nucleus of the atom.

Dorothy Hodgkin
Year 1964
Country United Kingdom
Domain Chemistry
Reason grants "because they identified several of the chemicals using X-ray techniques."

Nelly Sachs
Jointly with Shmuel Yosef Agnon.
Year 1966
Country Germany and Sweden
Domain literature
Grants reason "for her writing of poetry and drama which deals with Israel as stronglyinfluential"

Betty Williams.
Year 1976
Country United Kingdom
Area of peace
Foundation grants the reason the peace movement in Northern Ireland (which was later called the gathering of supporters of the peace)

Mairead Corrigan
Year 1976
Country United Kingdom
Area of peace
Foundation grants the cause of the peace movement in Northern Ireland (which was later called the gathering of supporters of the peace)

Rosalyn Yalow
Gummen promoted him with the post and Andrew Scully.
Year 1977
Country United States of America
Field medicine
Grants for the development of the cause of Immunology and chapels

Mother Teresa
Year 1979
India and the state of Macedonia
Area of peace
Cause of a leader grant "consignments for good", Calcutta.

ULFA Meral
Jointly with Alfonso Garcia Robles.
Year 1982
Country Sweden
Area of peace
Why grant diplomatic representative in the General Assembly of the United Nations disarmament.

Barbara Mklintok
Year 1983
Country United States of America
Field medicine
Grants to discover the cause of Alanicol.

Rita Levi Montalcini
Jointly with Stanley Cohen.
Year 1986
Country Italy and the United States of America
Field medicine
Grants to discover the cause of growth factors.

Gertrude Ilion
Post with James Black and George Htcngs.
Year 1988
Country United States of America
Field medicine
Grants reason "for their discovery of important principles for drug treatment."
Nadine Gordimer
Year 1991
Country South Africa
Domain literature
Grants reason blocked Bektabadtha magnificent epic great sense of humanity.

Aung San Suu Kyi
Year 1991
Country Myanmar (Burma)
Area of peace
Grants to the cause of the peaceful struggle for democracy and human rights.
Rigoberta Mincho
Year 1991
Country Guatemala
Area of peace
Why grant recognition of her work for social justice and mutual understanding betweenraces and cultures to respect the buildings indigenous rights.

Toni Morrison
Year 1993
Country United States of America
Domain literature
Why give grants Broayatea characterized by visionary force and poetic content of life onan important aspect of American reality. "Indigenous.

Christaana Noslaan Volhard
Post with Edward Lewis and Eric Vichaos.
Year 1995
Country Germany
Field medicine
Grants reason for their discoveries concerning genetic control of early embryonicformation.

Viswava Himborsk
Year 1996
Country Poland
Domain literature
Reason for the grants.

Jody Williams
Post with the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.
Year 1997
Country United States of America
Area of peace
Why grants for their work on the prohibition and elimination of antipersonnel land mines

Shirin Ebadi
Year 2003
Country Iran
Area of peace
Grants for their cause for democracy and human rights. Primarily focus its energies on the struggle for the rights of women and children.

Elfriede Jelinek
Year 2004
Country Austria
Domain literature
Grants reason "for the musical flow of voices and sounds in the opposite of her plays andnovels that reveal the Hamas language absurd stereotypes exceptional community andomnipotent domination."

Wangari Maathai
Year 2004
Country Kenya
Area of peace
Grants reason "for its contribution to the sustainable development of democracy and peace"

Linda Buck
Jointly with Richard Iksal.
Year 2004
Country United States of America
Field medicine
Grants reason "for discoveries in the field of olfactory receptors and functions of theolfactory system and organization."

Doris Lessing
Year 2004
Country United Kingdom
Domain literature
Grants reason "that the writer of the epic experience that female subjected a dividedcivilization to scrutiny on the same skepticism and diet and the power of insight."

Françoise Barré Sinoussi
Post with Harald zur Hausen, Luc Montagnier.
Year 2008
Country France
Field medicine
Grants reason "for their discovery of HIV."
Elizabeth Blackburn
Gredr post with Carol and Jack Szostak.
Year 2009
Country Australia and the United States of America
Field medicine
Grants reason "for their discovery of the role of telomeres in protecting chromosomes (chromosomes) and the discovery of the enzyme telomerase."
Carol Gredr
Post with Elizabeth Blackburn and Jack Szostak.
Year 2009
Country United States of America
Field medicine
Grants reason "for their discovery of the role of telomeres in protecting chromosomes (chromosomes) and the discovery of the enzyme telomerase."
Carol Gredr
Post with Elizabeth Blackburn and Jack Szostak.
Year 2009
Country United States of America
Field medicine
Grants reason "for their discovery of the role of telomeres in protecting chromosomes (chromosomes) and the discovery of the enzyme telomerase."

Returned Yonath
Post with Fankatraman Ramakrishnan and Thomas Steyz.
Year 2009
The State of Israel
Domain Chemistry
Grants reason "for their research in the composition and functions of the ribosome."

Herta Mueller
Year 2009
Country Germany, Romania
Domain literature
Grants reason "used to focus the poetic and candid prose to portray the disadvantaged."

Elinor Ostrom
Jointly with Oliver Williamson.
Year 2009
Country United States of America
Area economy
Reason Grants
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