Explained U.S. scientists to probe "Curaossite", which sent the National Aeronautics and Space Administration "NASA" to Mars, it was revealed evidence that areas of the Red Planet was once submerged. Was "Curjoosta," sent "NASA" to see if the planet appropriate for the life of microorganisms, has fallen, in August / August, the giant low near the Mars equator.
Said John Grotzingr, chief scientist competent follow-up probe mission, "The rocks in the area looked like it had been formed, over the centuries, by water or wind."
He Gortizingr: "consensus is that they have formed as a result of a rapid flow of water."
The world and William Dietrich, of the University of California: "It is difficult to determine the runoff time, and we appreciate that this happened between thousands to millions of years."
It is noteworthy that "Curaossite", which landed on the Red Planet in August / August last inside low giant near the equator planet, having cut a 352 million miles (567 million kilometers), was launched from Earth in November 26th 2011 .
He began the probe, and soon landed, sending initial images of Mars, The NASA that "images that reached the Agency is very important to know the details of terrain, climate and other things related to gravity and other, which helps greatly to understand the planet, and to reach whether the planet Red able to support some forms of life on its surface. "
The scientists had previously denied "NASA", earlier, the possible existence of life on Mars, Following the detection of the vehicle, "Phoenix March Lander" in 2008.
The spokesman said, "NASA", David generator, told CNN that previous summaries they confirm the presence of water on Mars and not beyond that.
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