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More than 2011 years, a rise of temperature since the 178-year

Image by lrargerich via Flickr

Said meteorologist David Dahenov in Belgium, that in 2011 will go down in letters of light in the history of meteorology as the most years with a rise in temperatures since 1833, the year saw the first measurements of temperature in the Kingdom of Belgium.

The expert said in a press release on Saturday evening that the average temperature over2011, 11.6 °, ie, up 0.1 from what had prevailed since 2007.

As the meteorological forecasts indicate that the last week of the last months of the year will be a warm contrast to the usual in the period from the end of the year, will record in 2011 as the warmest year in the history of Belgium.
Source: Seventh Day


Muslim leaders are boycotting the mayor of New York

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A number of Muslim leaders boycott call New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's annual breakfast, which he addressed to the religious symbols of the city to protest what they called "unfair control on Muslims by the New York police."
Through 14 and the leader of the Muslims in the city in a letter to Bloomberg, alarmed by the reports which appeared in The Associated Press for the control of the New York Police and Muslims gather information about them.
The letter stated that the leaders of the Muslims - who make up at least 10% of the city's population - are seeking to hold a meeting with the Mayor of the city to discuss the issues raised by the reports.
The letter added, "We believe it is wrong to unequivocally the use of law in religious or ethnic discrimination, rather than the investigation of suspicious activities."
For his part, denied the city's police chief Raymond Kelly and Walker, the accusations, saying police did not target Muslims.
He said the Police Department spokesman Paul J. Brown, "The New York police follow the law in terrorism-related investigations and not to engage in this type of spying on communities."
The documents reviewed by The Associated Press that the men of the secret police visited a number of local companies such as Islamic libraries, cafes, and Tgazbwa chatted with shop owners to identify, measure and ethnic views.
For his part, said one of the imams of signatories to the letter, "They appreciate the strong support to the mayor of New York last year during the uproar on the establishment of an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site." But he added that they "were disappointed about the police efforts to penetrate Muslim communities and mosques."
A spokesman for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Michael Curtin said the agency opposes discrimination against minorities. "Some terrorist and criminal groups targeting ethnic communities and geographical or damage for recruitment. This fact must be taken into account when determining whether there are threats to the United States."
The Muslims in New York called for extensive investigations and hearings of the Executive Council of New York's mayor after the press reports on the operations of spying on Muslims.
Union also condemned the American Civil Liberties reports. A member of the Union in New York Audi Aovar The observations "wasted precious resources and raises constitutional issues."
States that prohibited the Central Intelligence Agency to conduct domestic spying.

Source: Agencies
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Arrest of the spiritual son of Gaddafi, Tunisia

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Tunisian newspapers reported Thursday that the security authorities have arrested a close associate of the late Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi within the territory of Tunisia. At the time of moving the defense of al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi - the last president of the Libyan government under Gaddafi - for his release from prison in Tunisia.
The sunrise and the morning newspapers and frank that the Libyan Tunisian who was arrested named Abdul Salam Boznaah birthday, which is known as a spiritual son of Gaddafi.
She explained that the arrest took place near the Tunisian-Libyan border while trying to infiltrate into the territory of Tunisia, and found that the Tunisian authorities, the security required for the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), and is suspected of involvement in war crimes during the Jamahiriya.
The newspapers pointed out that the birth of Abdel-Salam Boznaah like yesterday before Judge Tunis Court of First Instance which ordered his imprisonment pending completion of the investigation.
The announcement of the arrest of a close to the Gaddafi at a time in which he called the lawyer Bashir fishing spokesman for the defense of al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi Mahmoudi to the release, which currently lies within a Tunisian prisons.
The fishing in a statement published today that the card deposit prison sentence against al-Mahmoudi expired under the time limit and, therefore, be retained in prison illegally.
He added that on this basis, calls for the defense to release her client appeals to the new authorities in Tunisia to accelerate this, pointing out that he had submitted two days ago, a request to the President of the Republic equitable Marzouqi, and the Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali, and Justice Minister Noureddine lake, in order to interview one of them to be informed of the details particles and the issue of al-Baghdadi, and push for his release.
It is noteworthy that al-Mahmoudi was arrested on September 22 / September last, while he planned to leave the direction of Tunisia Algeria with three other people, but he was arrested on charges of entering Tunisian territory illegally.
Tunisian court has issued one day after his arrest, a ruling to imprison him for six-month window, but the Court of Appeal ruled Tunisia in the 27 of October / November last innocently Mahmoudi, but the Tunisian authorities kept him in prison.

Source: Tunisian press
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Child become a symbol of Israeli extremism

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Israeli girl has become a blessing Margolis (8 years) to the national symbol of religiouscoercion in Israel after being persecuted by Jewish extremists have spat upon, in protest at her clothes, which they considered indecent.

Margolis and returned Thursday to her school in the town of Beit Chiems for the first timeafter the case, which occupied the headlines of the media in Israel, where he wasreceived, and Education Minister Gideon Saar.

Margolis did not pronounce a single word upon entering the school, but her motherHadasa said she hoped "that leads everything we've done so far to change", warning the extremists, saying "I will not bow to threats and bullying."

The paragraph television broadcast last Friday has shown Jewish fundamentalists spit onMargolis; because they saw that her clothes were not "decent enough".

And appeared on the grace of Margolis - which belong to a religious family of Jewish immigrants in America - the symptoms of anxiety as a result of the harassment faced byevery day while walking to school, and since that day begun is a symbol against religious coercion in Israel.
Rejection of discriminationIn protest over the incident, more than 10 thousand Israeli Tuesday in a demonstration to protest the discrimination against women, and religious extremism in the house Chiems, about 30 kilometers from Jerusalem.
The parliamentary opposition leader Tzipi Livni, "We strive for personal Israel, not only in the house of the sun and not only on the exclusion of women, but against all extremists who suddenly appeared to try to impose their vision of the world on us."
On Tuesday, he urged Israeli President Shimon Peres of its citizens to rally against the "ultra-Orthodox who are trying to impose strict religious system," he said in a statement, "We are fighting for the nation's spirit and essence of the state."
Peres said face "on a test to be a state-wide rally to save the majority from the claws of a small minority undermine the greatest values," asserting that "no right to the person threatened a girl or a woman or any person in any way .. They are not masters of this land."
It also condemned the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the religious extremists "who spit or curse the women because of their clothes or charge separation between the sexes."
Israeli commentators described the house Chiems as a symbol of the struggle between Israel's religious and secular, with mounting fears of the spread of extremism in society, especially as the population growth rate of religious people with large families faster than the secularists.
Get Chitika PremiumAccording to the latest study conducted by the community of the Central Bureau of Statistics, the proportion of ultra-Orthodox eight percent of the total number of adult Jews in Israel. The Israelis are secularists who describe themselves as a minority percentage of 41 percent.
It is worth mentioning that some bus routes in the suburbs, which is described as "religious" in Jerusalem is already a separation between the sexes; where the sitting women in the back of vehicles, nor need when Israeli law so but they are subjected to verbal passengers males if they refused to do so.
Although the extremists represent only ten percent of all residents of Israel's 7.7 million people, they have political influence in a country which did not get any political party, never a majority in parliament, coalition governments assume power always.
In November last, he warned the President of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, Ephraim Halevy, former of the danger which threatens the existence of Israel is the growing radicalization of the Haredim (ultra-religious any) and not the Iranian nuclear program.
Halevy said - in a lecture at the School of Israeli military - the real existential threat to Israel coming from the inside, and Jewish extremism and increase the proportion of religious extremists.
The word Haridam is the plural of the word Harida, which means in Hebrew "met", and this community maintain and adhere to their followers dressed in a traditional, and they know that they are represented by Intellectual Asset ancient Jewish, as the purest, and is characterized families of Haredim to increase their number, as they refuse birth control, which explains the increasing numbers compared to laity in Israeli society.
Does not serve the majority of orthodox Jews in the Israeli army, and authorities agree on the exemption from military service, despite the controversy raised by the internal, the government established with the special battalion with religious to be a compromise; which take into account the religious requirements of the battalion.

Source: Agencies

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Do Stunt Latin American leaders?

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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said the U.S. may have invented a way to hit Latin America's leaders of cancer, after he joined the Argentine President Cristina Fernandez to the list of the heads have been diagnosed with this disease.

The statement was a controversial habit of socialist Venezuelan leader, who underwent surgery in June to remove a tumor in the pelvis, but Chavez stressed that he does not bring any charges, but thinking aloud.

Chavez said in a televised speech to soldiers at a military base "would not be strange if they invented a technology for cancer is not known to be one."

In recent times, been diagnosed with Chavez and Fernandez, President of Paraguay Fernando Lugo, the President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff, and former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, cancer, all of them leftists.
Doctors say that the President of Argentina has a very good chance to recover, you will not need chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Fernandez had cancer and HPV, the most common type of thyroid cancer, and there is no evidence that the disease spread.

The announcement of her after less than a month on the performance of the right to continue a second term four years after winning a landslide election in October / November.
The surgery is performed for Fernandez, on the fourth of January next.

Chavez said that the region's leaders to be cautious of others, including his close ally, Bolivian President Evo Morales.

Source: Reuters
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Barjtan articulate the two American Hormuz

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 Navy announced that two U.S. Barjtin crossed the Strait of Hormuz without problems, despite the escalation of warnings between the United States and Iran, which threatened to close this strategic waterway in the event of new UN sanctions over its nuclear program.

A spokesman for the U.S. Fifth Fleet Rebecca Ribarrich The aircraft carrier "USS JohnStennis," and barge rocket launcher "USS Mobile Bay" has "crossed the predeterminedroutine Strait of Hormuz Tuesday."

He did not refer to any U.S. military tension with Iranian naval forces, despite the high toneof words between Tehran and Washington in recent days. Ribarrich confirmed that their contacts with the Iranian navy conducted in accordance with the traditions of professionalmarine usual.

For its part, quoted by the official Iranian news agency Thursday that the Iranian military official met Iranian aircraft on an American aircraft carrier in the region.

Warnings mutualThe Iranian military rejected warnings from Washington and close the Strait of Hormuz, and said that Washington could not dictate what you do on Tehran, adding that Iran would respond to threats.
The commander of the Iranian Navy Habibollah Sayyari Monitoring of U.S. aircraft carrier forces appear to be able to oversee the entire region and monitor the movements of foreign forces accurately.
The Ministry of Defense confirmed Tuesday that the closure of the Strait - through which about a third of the world's oil carried by tankers - is "not permitted".
Has called on France - which is leading a campaign within the European Union to tighten sanctions on Iran - Tehran to abide by international law and allow freedom of navigation.
Plans and EU foreign ministers discuss possible ban on Iranian oil at a meeting on January 30 next.
On Thursday, Prime Minister of Italy Mario Monti said that his country supports a ban on Iranian oil exports, which are the source of funding for nuclear and missile programs of Tehran.
The experts have questioned the ability of Iran to impose a long-term blockade of the straits, and even see some of them they need sea lane like any oil producer.
They note that any naval force of Iran is not comparable to its counterpart U.S. military spokesman confirmed that the name of Washington's confidence in its ability to ensure that the military has met with "our commitments to our friends and partners and the international community."
But some experts see, however, that Iran has the means (including mines and missiles) enough to obstruct the navigation across the Straits.
Also finds that some of them - even if Tehran did not close the Strait - "This war of words Vszbb instability in oil prices, and this is beneficial to Iran," according to Caitlin Talmadzi professor at George Washington University.
The warnings came against the backdrop of growing controversy over Iran's nuclear program, which fears the expansion of sanctions, after speaking to a report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last month for serious concern about the program, which Tehran insists Slmath, says Western capitals is a cover for making atomic bombs.

Source: Agencies

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