A strange incident in the city loaded Friday in Algeria, where he was washing and shrouding an old woman in the seventh decade of life, and began to walk to her final resting place, but it is a moment and put it in the grave opened her eyes, and then returned to breathing.
The newspaper "Sunrise" Algerian what Narrated municipal residents: that a neighborhood area had known the death of an elderly witness has everyone gladly created, and it has been Ngsilaa and Tkuwenha and prayer for her mosque neighborhood after Friday prayers, to be transported to the cemetery city for burial, and when it was placed in the grave and one of the mourners began proceedings reveal her face dead surprised to open her eyes and look at, prior to the initiation of breathing, which urged it to let people know that the old man is still alive.
The newspaper pointed out that the situation make the most of the mourners fleeing, while others remained in the cemetery, until they were removed, and return to the house, a moment he turned the funeral to joy.
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