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Escape of prisoners from Al Qaeda from prison pictures Mukalla

Foundation has offered epics Media Production affiliated with al Qaeda on the Internet the first part of the story of escape of 67 prisoners, described the Mujahideen of the Political Security Prison in Mukalla in the 21 of June of this year reached the runtime of 54 minutes and shooting high-quality, due date of its production to the month of Shawwal of this, and contained the story did a documentary on a set of personal interviews of the executors of the drilling process in the prison ward of intelligence in the central prison in Mukalla.

And presentation of the film documentary of the base of the idea of ​​planning to escape and drilling operations, which lasted about 25 days, offering interviews with Rami Chiara of (a group drilling), and Abdullah Bawazir of the group (storm the gate), and Jamal Issa (Prince of the process), and Mohammad Mohammadi (Group drilling), and Massad Nahdi (Prince of prisoners in the prison of Hadramout) and Ghalib Bagaaiti (Group drilling), and Saleh Baebad (Prince of ward 3), and Marwan Ppaduas (Group drilling), and raised Buraeih (Group drilling), and just the Bishop of the group (storm the gate), and Muhammad Shami group (coverage on the tower).

The idea seemed to escape of the prisoners when they were transferred from the prison of public security to the Political Security Prison, and was thought at first to storm the prison before the drilling process is the large number of prisoners to stop an obstacle to the operation to storm the prison gate, and it was decided to choose a suitable location for the drilling process in amber No. 4, has been extracted four tiles of the floor one of the pillars of amber to be the drilling process and a tent of blankets (sheets) around it, and displays a film documentary clips graphic during the drilling process since its inception through the primitive tools to dig, such as nails and (Hendrab) one of the doors, and pipes that are transported by Goan (Ahawalat) to the bathroom.

Has carried out the excavation, which starts from 11 pm at night until five in the morning by six people and is before entering the soldier to inspect the number of prisoners at eight in the morning cleaning the floor amber and bathrooms and carry incense even lost the smell of mud, have full baths three out of four earth and the process monitoring and control of the soldiers bin Saeed Sankar, while the hole is covered by the area does not exceed (fourtiles) brushes salary of one of the prisoners and placed near him some religious books so as not to attract attention.Said Mohammad Mohammadi of the (group drilling) in the film which was filmed at an undisclosed location in a mountainous area has been the prisoners, dressed in local andpossession of weapons and ammunition, bullets appear on the chest of all the escaped prisoners say, "We needed a number of young people to work in the pits, so do not stopwithin 24 hours except for the time of inspection daily every morning, "noted AbdullahBawazir of (a group to storm the gate) in his speech that the soldier Ibrahim wise man of the political security searched all over the amber even baths filled with earth, however, be arranged developed a number of prisoners after climbing to the bathroom before entering the soldier while paging whether one of those bathrooms, and view the film portray the process of climbing the bathroom after the fullness of the highest soil.

The hushed group drilling on the rest of their colleagues in the rest of the wards who trust in them in the Political Security Prison as find the group in the morning in amber fourth in their sleep, and describes the film the obstacles that stood in front of a group drilling And intercepted some hard rock that is deviation by the north right after it was drilled 18 m where the access for the first open on 17 July and the second 20 Rajab, where the first slot allocated to the control tower by a group digging through the narrator of Chiara.

The Scharf access to the fence over reports to prisoners for the control of al Qaeda to the city of Zanzibar has wished to be all in their places has redoubled their resolve in the process of drilling at the time did not know their colleagues in wards other thing about the drilling process and explains the film documentary clips graphic for slots and the control tower The gate of the prison.

The plan was developed after the completion of drilling of the escape and develop a plan to secure the gate and the tower and cover the outside by three groups to secure the escape of 67 prisoners from inside the holds of political security, and speaks Bawazir had been communicating with their colleagues abroad to provide vehicles for transferring prisoners from the nearest point next to the prison to the outside of the city and find Shelter within the city to get them out later, has been divided at the escape of prisoners into three groups, each group of 12 prisoners being transported by car, as well as the perpetrators of the process with others is an escape from the area after the process is fully secure.

Describes the benefit of Baebad and Abdullah Bawazir, just Bishop, Mohammed Shamilast-minute break into the prison gate and the tower and control room, security and politicalknowledge of a soldier of the political security operation to storm the gates of the prisonand the exchange of fire, where we did not mind the soldiers inside the prison that thegroups had fled abroad through the hole until they thought they were under control, and recognizes Bawazir that the loss of the mobile group, which has secured the escape and access to weapons after attacking the soldiers of the Political Security led to the loss ofcommunication with them, they became exposed to the soldiers when they fled to the mountain in the direction of the valley Algleilh here ends the first part of the film.

Escaped from prison

Rami Chiara

Abdullah Bawazir

Jamal Issa

Mohammad Mohammadi

Massad Nahdi 

Ghalib Bagaaiti 


Raised Buraeih

Marwan Ppaduas

Mohammad Shami


Osama bin Laden and Che Guevara

Whether we agree or disagree on the ideal way to be followed in the career defending our country free editor - peaceful was or armed - but we must look fair to the other team does not hasten throwing unsubstantiated accusations only because he chose the road that runs counter to our idea, although it encompasses primarily to achieve the same goal that we all seek freedom for which our countries ........

Media announced the death of bin Laden in the home city (Lapite Abad) near the capital of Pakistan (Islamabad) in a U.S. air strike, and that on May 2 and published a picture of him after his death, but soon the Taliban denied it but the others questioning in that picture out of it was designed using the program Photoshop, especially after the announcement that U.S. President buried bin Laden was a sea of ​​refuse States Receive his body, raising doubts in the absence of a body from the ground up
Regardless of the validity of this news or not but the reactions to the death of bin Laden were to a great deal of contrast and clash as quick a lot to the cursing and charged with terrorism and it is the truth of Islam and his call for serious harm by distorting its image globally and linked to cases of bombing and destruction, and it came to his conviction as an American agent and that it is time to dispense services that was the way to kill him while stopping the other mujahedeen described by the only American general who stood at the height of its power and authority of the world and it will remain intact Islamic symbol to signify the resilience in the face of the occupier
Here I'm not going to rule on bin Laden, despite my refusal of many acts of al Qaeda, but I do not focused myself sentenced to others and I refuse to claim to be the rulers, too, was bin Laden's terrorist America and its agents are invented terrorism itself, but the difference is that bin Laden to defend his country and his belief against foreign occupation and we have to distinguish here between legitimate resistance against occupation and military operations of terror against unarmed civilians, which is mastered by U.S. governments in their journey to absorb the treasures of the earth and plunder it is only fair that we all know that bin Laden is only a reaction to Hwan about our country for decades. ....... reaction to the force of American power and accepted by the Soviet balance of Justice and hit the wall and looting the wealth of the country and the infringement of innocent civilians
Do not hide from you that I am still forming the scattered thoughts in trying to understand what is happening and I still can not get an idea of ​​a full bin Laden because I like everyone I do not have but what really has the media of news might have been true in many of them false I do not know ..... maybe Bin Laden is a fighter who refused to live in luxury and the impact of jihad in the way of Allah against the occupier and is probably a scarecrow created by the United States to justify its existence in our country and what is the face of another created America to hide behind its ambitions is the time to change it ........ honest I do not know
Only in Palestine فقط في فلسطين

I'm a dog a dog soldier Israeli
  Threatens a mother and her two daughters

The interesting thing is the link in my mind between bin Laden and Guevara, and regardless of the affiliations of each and convictions is amazing all the wonder of those who make of Che Guevara, Guevara, a symbol of revolt against the powerful and unjust Amagdouna and they take their role models and then return to Aikla accusations of Osama bin Laden and they call a terrorist, the fought Guevara for the defense of the rights of working-class, Osama bin Laden, has struggled for the liberation of our country from the occupation and for the rights of civilians who are killed, tortured and displaced at the hands of Israeli occupation forces and the U.S., we have to look at something from Justice to the goal which Aretje spite of our differences with him in some of its practices and how he for this purpose

I do not know what pops into my mind that the comparison between bin Laden and Guevara, despite the vast differences between the approach Monday and beliefs and still my thoughts are scattered in determining the overall picture of Osama bin Laden and it seems it will remain so for a while and maybe I'm wrong in much of what was said but it is unacceptable description of Osama bin Laden like a demon to be stoned and is not angel and the way cheer and joy of the American system and its people to kill a man but show the weakness and Zaaram in front of the bin Laden, whether we accept or reject the us it is wrong to rejoice at the death in this way and dumping his body in the seaI really disagree with many of the actions of al Qaeda and reject, but I can rejoice that the completion of the Americans to kill us

Gaddafi family photos

Gaddafi family photos
Rare pictures to the family of Muammar Gaddafi former

Gaddafi family photos
Rare pictures to the family of Muammar Gaddafi former
Upon entry to the headquarters of the rebel Libyan Qadhafi and found a number of albumswith his family and they give her to a number of journalists who in turn distributed to news agencies that have published.

Gaddafi with Miss Internet

Troy the following images found at the headquarters of Muammar Gaddafi and his family in Tripoli, some of the details of life lavish, which was experienced by his children and contradict albums family photos acquired from the headquarters of Colonel al-Libi, andhome's maritime Help, with the style of Gaddafi himself, who seems to be the concept ofluxury has been confined to clothing luxury.
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