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Kremlin did not disclose details of the new president of the secretive intelligence apparatus

Russia on Monday appointed a new head of military intelligence (Guiarao)'s top anti-spyware in the country, replacing the former president who had overseen the process of restructuring and wide for this institution strong.
A spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry told the French press that he was appointed General Igor Serg head of military intelligence ordered by the Kremlin.
Did not publish further details of the new head of military intelligence service, the degree of secrecy surrounded the lack of a spokesman, not a site on the Internet.
The newspaper Gazeta Rosicaea state-run Serg to work in intelligence throughout his career. It quoted the sources that he was the deputy military intelligence chief Alexander ended his service Hleyaxtorov.
The Hleyaxtorov (64 years), who finished his service after reaching the retirement age for the military, started since his appointment in 2009 a major reorganization for this device.
This raised the reform which reduced the number of generals from more than 100 to 20, unrest within the military intelligence.
For its part, Kommersant newspaper quoted unnamed sources that Hleyaxtorov appointed by President Dmitry Medvedev left the service to assume the presidency of the institution (Ooyero Omajt), which is developing nuclear missiles.
Did not divide (Guiarao) after the collapse of the Soviet Union, unlike a secret police (KGB), but local media reported that military intelligence lost in recent years in the power struggle and terms of reference with the internal security service (FSB), heir to the main (KGB).
Military Intelligence was established in 1918, and currently subject to a Chief of General Staff of the three, who control the bag, which includes keys to control the nuclear weapons in Russia.

Participants unauthorized demonstrations denounced the use of excessive force by police(French)
Beating protesters
On the subject of a police officer was sentenced last Russian jail for three years and a halfyear suspended sentence for beating an opponent violently during a demonstration in St. Petersburg in July 2010, an incident that sparked a scandal aired on the Internet in Russia.
And the rule of the police officer Vadim Boiko (35 years) for "the influence-peddling."
The criminal investigation was opened after the broadcast sites on the Internet a video showing a policeman at a demonstration of the opposition, the protesters shouting "on therole?" Prior to quote on the demonstrators and beat him over the head with his baton.
Before the mass demonstrations that allowed by the authorities in recent weeks,opposition rallies were banned and violently dispersed by police.
Often denounced the participants in the demonstrations, unauthorized use of excessive force, but it did not consider the complaints.
Source: Agencies
On the subject of a police officer was sentenced last Russian jail for three years and a halfyear suspended sentence for beating an opponent violently during a demonstration in St. Petersburg in July 2010, an incident that sparked a scandal aired on the Internet in Russia.
And the rule of the police officer Vadim Boiko (35 years) for "the influence-peddling."
The criminal investigation was opened after the broadcast sites on the Internet a video showing a policeman at a demonstration of the opposition, the protesters shouting "on therole?" Prior to quote on the demonstrators and beat him over the head with his baton.
Before the mass demonstrations that allowed by the authorities in recent weeks,opposition rallies were banned and violently dispersed by police.
Often denounced the participants in the demonstrations, unauthorized use of excessive force, but it did not consider the complaints.
Source: Agencies

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