The spending on food, medical care, about 65 percent of the total, with increasedspending on "pet services" at rates more than any other spending to reach 3.79 billiondollars in 2011.
Include the expenses of pet care services, food and hotel accommodation competent.
The head of the Association Bob Vetere is expected continued high spending on petservices to reach $ 4.11 billion by the end of 2012.
He adds, "We see an increase in this item, where people continue to work and requestservices such as pet care and feed them and walk around with it."
It is expected to increase pet insurance, where the estimated expenditure for this item to$ 450 million during 2011.
Said Jessica Foglsang doctor in San Diego's Alaitria "Associated Press" People areinterested in Pets, more than ever before. "
She noted that the services sector pets become more able to meet the specific needs of pet owners.
Source: BBC Arabic