Newspaper The Daily Mail newspaper, funnypictures of the damage caused by children to their fathers and mothers, to throw cell phonesin toilets, and distortion of pet with paint, and broken laptops.
Two years ago, decided to U.S. Julie Haas to create a forum for the incidents of family funnywith their children, Jolie said: It began when I was working on some craft projects and I went back to the room and found the carpet wascarved articles of paint, which I kept for a time of need because of my little son, and you put apicture of the carpet on the Facebook for my friends and won the admiration, and found tohave the same similar experiences, so I decided to work the site in the same day.
Julie adds, "The site does not seek to blame the emphasis on children and castigating, but only seeks to help parents to deal with the frustration caused by their children what to dofrom disasters through laughter.
Source: Seventh Day