After less than 24 hours on receiving the news of winning one million dollars in the lottery, U.S. died "Khan Orog" aged 46 years before he received the award age.
Overtwenty yearsmaintaineda Dutch citizento visit thecity ofLuxorapproximately every two months, and when thehairapproaches thehomechosehimto embracehis body.
Has always beentheKwandoPhuket(72years)is dueto visitEgyptkeenthat he can notbearpartingher familymore than two months, and he wasin Luxorthat he hasa family, a family,waitingWelcomeandhappyexistenceamong them.
Once thehairnear theend ofPhuket, theso-termquickreturnto Luxorwhererecommendingburiedwherehe diedat his homewest of Luxoron Sunday, and hashis wifeDennettand his friendsto complete the proceduresburiedin the tombs ofthe city'stouristCommonwealth.
Thewife saidshe wouldremain inher husband's housewest of Luxorthroughouther life,and it isrecommendedto buryhim on thesoil ofthe land ofLuxorbeloved byas much asloveher husband.