According to Agence France-Presse, has led Japan earthquake followed by tsunami and the nuclear accident in the Fukushima station, to the loss of ability of the United Nations by about $ 210 billion.Margarita said Wahlstrom, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for disaster prevention, the less bloody disasters of the past, but the economic losses caused by the much higher.
She explained that the figure of 380 billion dollars is the minimum and 75% exceeded the previous record return for the year 2005, when Hurricane Katrina struck the United States.
In the year 2011, increased earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand and floods in Thailand and other countries of the value of the losses.
Wahlstrom said during a press conference on the first anniversary of the earthquake that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 that the earthquake disaster is the deadliest and most expensive.
The Agency estimated the United Nations to reduce the risk of flood disasters in Thailand cost more than $ 40 billion.
She also said the number of victims has dropped because the relative states improved surveillance and alarm systems, but the economic impact of disasters has become a major threat to a number of countries.
Source: Arabic