She explained that the lack of the amount of water within the body weakens the activity of brain cells and thus causing the stupid have, in addition to the agency (UPI) quoted researchers need to drink women to large amounts of water and liquids, including approximately six to eight liters a day in order to preserve the natural rate of water inside their bodies.
The study of another aspect to that man in general is not used to drink water, but if you feel very thirsty, one of the common mistakes among many, because the sign of feeling very thirsty means the beginning of entering the body in the first stages of drought, which claims the need to address the water without waiting for feeling thirsty to get rid of excess fatty tissue in the body, in addition to improving cognitive function and sensory of the brain.
The researchers from the University of Umalnda that there is a very close between intake of water and low death rates from heart disease, because heart trouble, arteries, increases the more the elements of coagulation and said water molecules that maintain the speed of blood flow, and add the water plays an important role for humanity in the renewal of the vitality of all body cells and regulate their temperature, and works to rid the blood of toxins, sediment and activates the digestive system and the process output, and works to hydrate the joints and elasticity of movement and activates the functions of the kidneys, and the generation of energy in the body which helps to transfer impulses in the nerves and the transfer of chemicals produced by the brain.
Source: Journal of Madam