Striker Brazilian Gievanildo de Souza, nicknamed Bhalk one of the most beautiful goals of the season in the Portuguese league corrected rocket left-footed from right side of the stadium to go in the right place "narrow-angle" to guard Benfica "Moras", whichsurprised even shocked by the way the Hulk with the ball and thinking correction fromthis point of impossible, to wake up to the bitter truth and the ball hugging sheet in the seventh minute to start the Lisbon derby matches in the opening round of 21 of the Premier League.
And managed in Porto this match to win 3/2 Sc in the final minutes of the player MaiconPereira But there are serious doubts about infiltrating during the implementation of the direct free kick, this goal came after the expulsion of Benfica defender "Emerson" forreceiving a second yellow card.
Porto and raise the balance of points for 52 points in the top of the league, 3 pointsahead of Benfica, who occupies the second place, and was hoping for a win at hometonight to ensure the restoration of the lead and won the championship.
And managed in Porto this match to win 3/2 Sc in the final minutes of the player MaiconPereira But there are serious doubts about infiltrating during the implementation of the direct free kick, this goal came after the expulsion of Benfica defender "Emerson" forreceiving a second yellow card.
Porto and raise the balance of points for 52 points in the top of the league, 3 pointsahead of Benfica, who occupies the second place, and was hoping for a win at hometonight to ensure the restoration of the lead and won the championship.