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Image via CrunchBase
Social networking giant is preparing for the launch of Facebook ads on mobile phones to its users in a matter of weeks in order to secure a new source of revenue in the first before starting the process of offering shares for public subscription, the site expected in May / May next year.
Sources familiar with Facebook's plans that the latter actually discussed several proposals with an advertising agency, to show what was described in news stories that reach the pioneers of the site, and is expected to be done early March / March.
This step will be a test of the ability of management to Facebook balance between the interests of the shareholders of the site to maintain the rapid growth of revenue, and the wishes of the pioneers of the network who do not accept to receive a lot of commercial messages on their mobile devices.
PrecautionsHas faced a social network is another objection Twitter last year of its astronauts on the introduction of the application allows highlighting the commercials, forcing the site to undo the move shortly after launch.
He went on Facebook potential buyers for its shares as a document request made by the last week to offer its shares for trading, that he did not get the revenue to be important in terms of advertising, which broadcasts on mobile devices, as an increasing number of website visitors converted to smart phones more than their use of personal computers inInstant communication with their friends through the site.
According to the relevant affairs of the Internet Corporation Endress Onleiz, because Maude "People in a growing demand for smart phones and spend more time surfing the Internet through technological means portable, and will become of these tools means the largest in the entry of Facebook in the future, which requires a smart way to collect the charge for ads broadcast in this means. "
AttractIt is expected to unveil Facebook in the twenty-ninth of this month in New York for more details about the new stories on the marketing of brands, in an effort to attract companies that want to use its network to promote their products.
He says Facebook that the number of users active now stands at 845 million worldwide, according to documents initial public offering of shares, the proceeds of the network in 2011 rose 88% compared to 2010 to approximately $ 3.7 billion, the source of most of its revenues Facebook about ads on the site.
Sources familiar with Facebook's plans that the latter actually discussed several proposals with an advertising agency, to show what was described in news stories that reach the pioneers of the site, and is expected to be done early March / March.
This step will be a test of the ability of management to Facebook balance between the interests of the shareholders of the site to maintain the rapid growth of revenue, and the wishes of the pioneers of the network who do not accept to receive a lot of commercial messages on their mobile devices.
PrecautionsHas faced a social network is another objection Twitter last year of its astronauts on the introduction of the application allows highlighting the commercials, forcing the site to undo the move shortly after launch.
He went on Facebook potential buyers for its shares as a document request made by the last week to offer its shares for trading, that he did not get the revenue to be important in terms of advertising, which broadcasts on mobile devices, as an increasing number of website visitors converted to smart phones more than their use of personal computers inInstant communication with their friends through the site.
According to the relevant affairs of the Internet Corporation Endress Onleiz, because Maude "People in a growing demand for smart phones and spend more time surfing the Internet through technological means portable, and will become of these tools means the largest in the entry of Facebook in the future, which requires a smart way to collect the charge for ads broadcast in this means. "
AttractIt is expected to unveil Facebook in the twenty-ninth of this month in New York for more details about the new stories on the marketing of brands, in an effort to attract companies that want to use its network to promote their products.
He says Facebook that the number of users active now stands at 845 million worldwide, according to documents initial public offering of shares, the proceeds of the network in 2011 rose 88% compared to 2010 to approximately $ 3.7 billion, the source of most of its revenues Facebook about ads on the site.
Source: Financial Times
Computers / Internet