Zamzam, which means collecting thing mentioned parties to spread it, where "Ms. Hagar Tzmzm water so as not to disperse," or is the saying of the water "Zmi Zmi" any sufficient or enough, but Zamzam several names; including excavation Muttalib, because it re-drilled after a while of landfilled, and was initially erupted under the Prophet Ismail as an infant.
And after Islam, earned her a number of prophetic traditions of particular importance, although they are not included in the rituals of Hajj and Umrah.
The Zamzam upon a time just a well surrounded by a fence of stones until the era of Abu Jafar al-Mansur, who Shad dome above and paved with marble.
In the era of the Mamluk sultans, especially Bey was fixed Birha Rkhamha and renewal, as well as in the reign of Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid was baptized the second to the establishment of the largest building on the dome of Zamzam.
In the modern era, was re-building of Zamzam back away from its original position, because the old premises were hampering circumambulation.
The project, King Abdullah Zamzam watering one of the largest service projects the Two Holy Mosques, where the cost amounted to 700 million riyals, and aims to mobilize and ensure the purity of water, transport and storage.
In each expansion of the campus, the well of Zamzam include modernization, renovation and landscaping to remain over the times witness to history and the gift of divine prophets from the Prophet and his descendants after him.
Source: Arabic