In the case of rarely repeated Yemeni girl was surprised her wedding night her bodysweats out of the blood and her eyes and her ears stone deaf string followed by Sophie, prompting her husband to divorce her to begin her journey to the unknown with everyone at her puzzled.
The girl with the 18-year-old "patient Hassan al-Faqih" and living in Hodeidah Governorate Directorate Bajel now do not stop crying, especially with the development of her condition and her faint more than once in her class what caused the interruption ofher school.
He also confirmed that a doctor maintaining inspected the condition that he examined the blood has not been shown anything abnormal, he says Brigadier General Mohammad Myak Director General of Directorate Bajel "continued with the DirectorGeneral of the Office of Health Hodeidah, asking him to communicate with the Ministerof Health to open a field hospital Revolution General Sana'a situation is rare you need tomedical intervention specialist medical center. "
With the failure of the medical solution after the hospital attached to the said there was no escape from some therapists displayed on the Quran who confirmed that the state ofpatient confirms that she had charm and he recited a "reading shows that there is amagic charm abdominal supported from outside the body."