Died bitch "Yoda" Winning the title of "ugliest dog in the world" at the end of last week at the age of 15 years in the state of California. According to the U.S. media that bitch "Yoda", a type of Hihoawa died in her sleep
The bitch that do not exceed a weight of 800 grams has received widespread attention in the media last summer after winning the competition 23 to select the "ugliest dog in the world" which was held in California in June 2011 and received on the amount of thousanddollars. The owner of the bitch Terry Schumacher at the time that his daughter found the"Yoda" when she was two years old he asked them to throw it at first he thought it a rat,but soon realized that it was a dog with the family 14 years ago. Featuring Bakoaúmhabitch that do not breed at all and topped with a tongue that comes out of her mouth all the time.
The bitch that do not exceed a weight of 800 grams has received widespread attention in the media last summer after winning the competition 23 to select the "ugliest dog in the world" which was held in California in June 2011 and received on the amount of thousanddollars. The owner of the bitch Terry Schumacher at the time that his daughter found the"Yoda" when she was two years old he asked them to throw it at first he thought it a rat,but soon realized that it was a dog with the family 14 years ago. Featuring Bakoaúmhabitch that do not breed at all and topped with a tongue that comes out of her mouth all the time.