Criticize the largest Catholic clergy in Britain, the British government's intention to allow gay marriage.He said Cardinal Keith O'Brien, head of the Catholic Church in Scotland, said that allowing gay marriage "strange and un-corrupt to internationally accepted human rights."O'Brien said that the redefinition of marriage, which is supported by British Prime Minister David Cameron, "Britain will be attached to shame before the world."O'Brien added that it is wrong to deprive a child to have a father and mother.O'Brien said in an article published by The Sunday Telegraph that "gay marriage will eliminate completely the concept of the law's main presence of a mother and father for each child and create a society that deliberately depriving the child of a mother (to Allah)."And O'Brien is the latest among a group of clerics who condemned what they called "mad" the government for its support of gay marriage.O'Brien accused the minister of trying to "re-definition of truth" and "undermine the conventional meaning in each place of marriage."In January, said John Santamo Archbishop of the Anglican Church in York that the British government does not have the moral authority to change what it means to marry.The minister said the Scottish Michael Moore that the consultations conducted by the Government on gay marriage are not intended to force religious groups to agree on gay marriage.Moore said the BBC "does not seek to change the religious marriage and do not want to force religious groups to accept it."Moore added, "What we are saying is that if two people love each other and wanted the link to life, it must be able to civil marriage regardless of sexual orientation."Said Harriet Harman is deputy leader of the Labour Party and former Minister for Equality, she believes that it is right to allow gay marriage.
Source: BBC Arabic
Source: BBC Arabic