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Why Russia supports Syria?

Global Promotion Alliance

Russian investments in Syria amounted to about twenty billion dollars in 2009 (French - Archive)
While tightening the noose of international regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad does not seem that Russia is the process to keep pace with this trend, but apparently it will stand a stumbling block - with Iran - in the face of it, it is true that Moscow so trying to protect their commercial interests big there, but they also fear that any of the civil war in Syria to serious repercussions in the Russian regions and other Kdagstan.
This is what he sees by the British Guardian newspaper in an article by David Hirst has chosen the title: "Why Russia supports Syria?".
After one day of the Declaration of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations that Syrian forces committed crimes against humanity, and after the declaration of Turkey that it is considering imposing a buffer zone along the border to protect the Syrians, here is the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov calls for more efforts to deal with Damascus.
It highlights that the Hearst Lavrov opposed the idea of ​​imposing a ban on arms sales to Syria, citing that it is unfair not expected the government's response to the Syrian disturbances, pointing out that the Russian minister expressed his belief that armed opposition groups, but to provoke the Syrian authorities.
This - according to Hirst - not empty words, as Televisa Russian state, Russia Today, the station's English-language, that Moscow would send the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, escorted by warships in the tour for two months in the Mediterranean Sea, and will stop inSyrian port of Tartus.
And works of 600 technicians Russians now there for the renewal of this port to be used as a base for ships Russian, and said (Russia Today) The tour had been planned for a long time, but no one can lose sight of not linking this with the presence of the aircraft carrier of modern American (George Bush) off the Syrian coast , also arrived on Thursday, a shipment of cruise missiles Aankhunt Russian anti-ship.
Why all this rush towards Syria, Russia, although Moscow did not show the same enthusiasm in their dealings with Libya or Iran?
The first answer is money, as apart from arms contracts worth four billion dollars in the Moscow Times reported recently that the Russian investments in infrastructure, energy and tourism Syrian hit $ 19.4 billion in 2009.
But that is not the full story Fezlal Libya sitting on Russia's policy with Syria, which is reflected in the words of Lavrov in August / August thatRussia will do everything in its power to preventa repetition of Libya in Syria.

It is known that the deployment of Russiamade ​​the marine equivalent of any way to theNATO in this area, but that some people arewaiting impatiently for, and will be observersMarine eager to see if Russia can keep three ships big seas without the collapse of one of them?

But the real geo-strategic concerns of Russia,as the fear of transmission of the civil war thattook place in Syria to the provinces of Russia inthe same regions of Dagestan and Northern Caucasus.

If the Islamist insurgency calling forindependence broke out in Dagestan, theaftershocks of that could explode like the one that scattered fragments of hot metal andpeople across southern Russia.

It seems that maintaining the unity of Syria to get rid of the evil dictatorship ruled by the most difficult to imagine that Western leaders thatcan be achieved through further sanctions, andTurkey, they speak strongly, but they act on the ground are more cautious.


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Source: Guardian
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High desire for migration between the Russians

Image via Wikipedia

Global Promotion Alliance
Touched on the British newspaper The Times to the subject of the phenomenon of brain drain in Russia, and conducted an interview with a young Russian with a high level of expertise, plans to leave the country and emigrate to Canada.

Take the newspaper from the computer programmer Stjepan Hezov - who at the age of 29 years - an example of the phenomenon has become known in Russia termed as the "time to leave the country." Hezov intends to take his wife and travel to Canada, where he will complete his studies and settled there after the study.

The paper describes the class that you want to emigrate from Russia, as a layer of highly qualified young people, who have opened their knowledge after the fall of the Soviet Union in the era of Vladimir Putin when he took over the presidency of Russia, and were surprised by the system, disappointing and corrupt.

"There are more than one hundred million adults in Russia, who are not who can lead the country? It is humiliatingStjepan Hezov"It is believed that five Hezov paid in either high school or left the country and think carefully about this. And supports the paper's belief Hezov exploring conducted by the Levada Center of Russian opinion polls known whose professionalism and scientific approach, which said that 22% of the Russian people want to leave the country, compared with 7% in 2007.

The survey shows that the proportion of people wanting to migrate from the age group under 25 years has risen by 39% from 2007.

The experience Hezov in dividing his life as a young man in the prime of life very difficult, where he founded a computer but could not continue under the weight of heavy taxes imposed by the Russian government's small business special, while enjoying the company of Russian state benefits are great, but news of the intention of Putin's return to the presidency was the straw that broke the camel's back for him.

Says Hezov "I did not think that the survival of (President Dmitry) Medvedev will push the situation here to take the direction of more liberal. But there was a belief that if he remained in office there may be a chance to do so, but if he ceded the presidency to Putin, this does not mean that something was wrong , but also means that the whole situation was wrong. "

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And supplements, saying "someone took the presidency for eight years should not return to it. I've stayed in power for too long, and forgot what the meaning of ordinary life. There is a prevailing belief today, and the idea that he (Putin), the only one capable of leading the country. This is pure idiocy. There are moreone hundred million adults in Russia, who are not who can lead the country? It is humiliating. "

Source: Times
Global Promotion Alliance

Israel is concerned about the rise of Islamists

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Image via Wikipedia

Israel expressed its deep concern at the rise of the Islamic Movement considers hostile in theparliamentary elections in Egypt, to Cairo, but urged that it is not in front of any alternative but to maintain the peace treaty signed by thecountries.

And expects the Muslim Brotherhood - whichsuffered a narrowing in the era of former President Hosni Mubarak, who was supported by the United States - to win the most seats in the new parliament after the first round of the elections that took place last week, is likely to come in second place Salafi extremists, who are depicted by their opponents.
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He said Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Saturday that this raises serious concern, it istoo early to predict how it will end the changes that we face, "it may be that they are positive inthe historical context in the immediate context,representing the problem."

He said in an interview with Israeli ChannelTwo television, "I very much hope that whateverthe government, which will appear in theConstitution of Egypt and with any shows in Egypt, they will realize that there is noalternative but to maintain the framework ofinternational agreements including the agreement of peace with us."

Barak said that this framework helps to enablethe Egyptian economy to move forward and maintain their ability to provide basic services to their citizens.

Barack and across the hope that the Egyptian authorities to make themselves ready to dealseriously with the situation in the Sinai.

Egypt was the first Arab country to recognizeIsrael, and got under the Treaty of 1978,billions of dollars in annual U.S. aid, and regained control of the Sinai, which Israel hadoccupied in the 1967 war.

In recent years, become the Sinai demilitarizedunder the Treaty of Peace of concern for Israel "as a conduit for smuggling weapons into the Gaza Strip", and the deterioration of security there since the fall of Mubarak in February.

Source: Reuters
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Egypt is reluctant to accept an international loan

Global Promotion Alliance

Kamal al-linked working relationship and friendship with Momtaz Al (European)

The Egyptian government said it is ready to take action to obtain funding from the International Monetary Fund.
The Finance Ministry said in a statement early to know the fate of the agreement with the IMF to borrow $ 3.2 billion budget deficit, an agreement which was interrupted by recent events.
The statement, signed an excellent candidate for the post-Saeed, Minister of Finance, who served as deputy finance minister in the government of Essam Sharaf.
The government sought the honor, which resigned last month to obtain external financing in order to bridge the deepening deficit in the budget.
Did not announce the new Prime Minister Kamal al, which was mandated by the ruling military junta, the government is formed after the formal.
But leaked the names of a number of new ministers to the local media over the weekend, including Saeed.
Ganzouri and enjoys a good reputation in the management of the economy back to his time as prime minister during the rule of ousted President Hosni Mubarak in the nineties, but the fact that he worked in the era of Mubarak raises criticism of the protesters.
And confirms the statement of the Ministry of Finance - apparently - go out and finance minister in the government honor Beblawi firm.
Prominent faced, who was appointed last July difficulties in the management of foreign support to finance the budget deficit in Egypt.Increase search engine rankings

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Since the uprising that overthrew President Mubarak last February, Egypt witnessed a decline in tourism and the exodus of foreign investors, resulting in a decrease in foreign reserves, the instability of the local currency.
Prominent said last month that Egypt would seek to launch formal negotiations for a funding package from the IMF after it refused to help in similar earlier this year because of opposition from the army.
Source: Agencies
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Libya looking for new treasures Gaddafi

Experts said that he will have the new rulers of Libya, a major effort to find the assets and billions of dollars of liquid concealed Muammar Gaddafi and his family around the world, then would face significant legal obstacles to a full recovery.
And U.S. officials have said since the beginning of the opposition forces fighting to overthrow Qadhafi from power that the United Nations and Member States of the Organization of State made and froze assets of about $ 19 billion was believed to be under the control of Qadhafi or his aides.
But Victor Comras former expert in money laundering of the United Nations and the U.S. State Department said that other estimates indicate that the assets of Gaddafi in the United States alone is about $ 30 billion, along with large holdings in Europe and South Africa.
Comras said to Reuters, "Gaddafi was not naive .. clear and easy money, which he kept in banks and financial institutions, western spotted already pretty big and frozen."
He added that Gaddafi was "probably the transfer of large sums of money to accounts in fictitious names or numbers or confidential funds, secretariats or deposits stacked currencies or precious metals or collection and works of art can be sold" like the tyrants of others such as former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and Mobutu Sese Seko, Presidentnow known as the former Democratic Republic of Congo.
The assets include acquisition of shares and the shares indirectly in real estate companies and fictitious names or under the control of the assistants to Gaddafi trusted.
Comras said, "to find these funds will require advanced skills to monitor the financial assets, however, would be very difficult to find."
According to John Christensen, a former economic adviser to the tax haven of Jersey and currently heads the Tax Justice Network, said that the stocks may be hidden in boxes and fake companies.

"When the real owner dies often at knife-point on the funds custodians."
Said Juan Zarate, a former White House and the Treasury, who led the process of tracking assets of Saddam Hussein, "asset recovery is a complex process, not only because of the method of tracking, but because of the difficulties in identifying and dismantling of interlocking ownership."
According to Roger Tamraz, a financial expert based in Dubai and established extensive dealings with Libya, it is ironic that the restoration of the funds may help the fact that Gaddafi and his family were considered Libya's resources and assets of the property to them.
He said for this reason that they kept most of the money and assets in their possession abroad as sovereign entities such as the Libyan Investment Authority, which makes it easy for a successor to Qaddafi recover the money, compared to assets that have been converted to personal use and then hidden.
Tamraz said, "When they (the Gaddafi family) in power did not feel that they (segregation) between what the government and the private ownership of them.

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Model Hessler pay for the fulfillment of her lover Gaddafi

The company «Alice» German Telecom, a subsidiary of «Telefonica» Spanish Telecom, recently expelled German supermodel Vanessa Hessler, mistress Mutasim Gaddafi, son of Colonel Libyan late Muammar Gaddafi, the work as the face of propaganda of the company «Alice», due to the continued Hessler defend the Gaddafi family Even after the death of Muammar Gaddafi and the end of his rule in Libya.
The Hessler has said in an interview with the magazine «Diva Donna E.» Italian that is provided on the Gaddafi family is not accurate, and she had met (ordinary people) between the members of this family.
The casual fashion Italian - American origin that «France and Britain Molta rebels Libya is that these people did not know what to do».
And revealed beautiful, aged 23 years, that the emotional relationship with Mutassim Gaddafi long number of years. Therefore, it is still crying to his departure.
And the Libyan people, said Habiba Mu'tasim that the Libyan people did not rigid nor poor.Should not believe everything that is said ».

In response to comments by Hasler, spokesman for the company «Telefonica» that the company had expected to avoid such statements Hessler said about it does not have any relationship with the company from now onwards.
It is worth mentioning that the Mu'tasim, an adviser to the former security of Libya, was killed along with his father walked out on 20 October (October) last year. Which is the fourth son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.Mutasim Gaddafi is an officer in the Libyan armed forces and was commander of a special unit reported that it conducted a military exercise without the consent of the leadership of the Libyan army, he ordered the Libyan leader to dissolve the unit. He studied Mutasim Command and Staff College in Egypt, and after graduation and President Hosni Mubarak awarded the rank of Colonel General Staff in May 2002. He knew Billah recklessly rushes Permanent, which led to the incidence in a number of problems outside of Libya, ranging from driving too fast in the streets of Paris, the abduction and torture of a Libyan students in Denmark for being "a dog stray," a description that was released by Gaddafi on his opponents.
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