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The arrogance of Israel and the American bias against the tsunami of Palestinian and Arab

Shock of a violent shook the Israeli entity since it began news, following the orientation of the Palestinians to the United Nations to recognize the State of entity for this struggling people throughout more than 60 years, and most surprisingly, the American sponsor of the peace in the case of the Palestinian - Israeli has sided with Israel and the fractured boiling and abandoned its principles and cries of President Obama from Cairo University and threats to cut off aid to the Palestinians did not stop its moves against the trend and the threat of a veto and that Netanyahu had hit fever and hysteria panic just because homeless people is on the most basic rights.Paradoxes of strange and wonderful in the world pays lip service to freedom and the right of peoples to self-determination and the arrogance of Israel in the occupied territories Arbdtha enjoy the blessing of America and its allies in Europe and if the Arabs from the "junk" is not an entity to them. Killing of innocent people of this miserable people old to Israeli soldiers and firing rockets from any Palestinian village in self-defense is an unforgivable crime largest country in the world today the scales of justice have been upset and started to practice its role with the Member States of the United Nations so that no quorum necessary to recognize this state and the pitiful, America calls on the Palestinians to return to direct negotiations with Israel and adopt the perspective of radical Netanyahu that peace will not return a decision of the International Organization of stonewalling, but Israel in the negotiations and if the past 60 years has not Tcfha to escape from the rights of these wretched.Sadly, the Arabs are just clapping for Mahmoud Abbas, speaking at the United Nations and declares his claim to recognize the entity Palestinian without seeing a movement active in the face of this tsunami, American - Zionist and if the matter does not concern them in a little or a lot, everyone is busy Bhmumh and concern for the relationship Pole sole in the contemporary world. The blood of the martyrs of the occupied territory and the destruction of olive groves and heavy elders and women matched by "shaking the shoulders and stretch the lips," I have sons of the Arab nation resonant speeches and statements emphasizing the right of the Palestinian people over the rostrum of the United Nations and if that was a very Maraam .. And the top of the performance of duty despite the fact that the possibilities of the Arabs a lot of moves and actions that make America think a thousand times in the interests of the Arabs in the Middle East, but in a coma believing in their own words of God, "Let them eat and enjoy and Alham hope you'll know" 3 stone.Although all the international parties aware of the dimensions and echoes of this move the Palestinian and impress some people and the reluctance of others, but Ehud Barak, says the Guardian newspaper considered a step leading to a tidal wave stubborn on the level of diplomacy, but others in the international arena they considered just bang it is not more than just a token recognition of the right recognized by virtually and classification of the paper, "but at the same time can not be underestimated the effects of this step can not rule out any surprises that may result in" but the world, especially the Arabs did not occupy mind ignite this conflict, after months of United Nations resolutions No. 181 of 1947 divided the land of Palestine into two states, although the orientationPalestine to the international organization is an echo of the famous decision!The picture looks cloudy from all sides and diplomatic America to occupy a permanent order to support the view of the far-right is very Netanyahu cherished friends and waving with their potential in order to prevent any recognition issued by the United Nations the State of Palestine, which raises the anger that in the midst of this diplomatic move and that wave in the various circles that Israel continues its settlement activities in total disregard of all what is happening on the international arena, where decided to build more than a thousand housing units on the territory of the West Bank in addition to its overheating in the region of Jerusalem, defying all international norms and conventions in a strange world bless the arrogance and tyranny!!Can you imagine Hillary Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State said a comment on Israel's decision to build a thousand units, "It is a decision not to build on the efforts to revive peace talks with the Palestinians, she said politely and siding Ghraib: The United States urges both sides to avoid any acts that undermine the trust between them." utmost transparency strange logic which makes us say, 'O Peace on Justice and the U.S., which happen to us Balgm and sadness that Clinton confirmed to avoid any act that destroys the confidence, especially with regard to Jerusalem, or any other action he may deem provocative .. Thus, the U.S. Attorney Will serve as the United States after all that to be the primary sponsor of the peace talks in the Middle East What a paradox, and Strange Things will remain a disgrace to the State claiming to be the sponsor of freedom and peace.Shameful that amid the silence of the Arabs and Tvkkhm and not to take a collective decision to identify positively with the Palestinians, we find that "Jack Straw" and former British Foreign Secretary has sent a letter to 650 members of parliament asking them to support the Palestinian to go .. Is not you, O man of Arab Rashid.The fact that the heart goes out to split the Palestinian Abbas voted off the United Nations, Hamas, echoing steps away to the right to extract and it has not begging ..Unite first if you a different perspective let in Hawwaratkm finally seems that the conflict will continue and Palestinian differences with no hope of reconciliation is no way but to stand a Palestinian Arab serious to stop the bloodshed of the people of the brotherly let us cling to this hope may and it may wake up the heedless of their sleep?!
By: Mr. Al-Azzawi

Traúv Gaddafi Libyans occupy

Image via Wikipedia

Libyan authorities are busy searching for new fugitive Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, theLibyan busy while searching for news and sarcastic attitudes that have long defined by the former leader.

And restores the Libyans - since the fall of the capital, Tripoli in the hands of the Transitional National Assembly on August 23 / August, and the flight of Gaddafi - listedthose positions with some exaggeration sometimes, for no more wit.

There is plenty of anecdotal incidents strange for Muammar Gaddafi, Libyan, and remember them, especially the image occupies the screen angers official channels, while Gaddafi program or passed through a paragraph of the news broadcast.

And refers to the capital's population, especially the official channels that broadcast wasstopped when Gaddafi feel angry, highlights the on-screen image of cartoons drawn byartist Mohamed Zawawi, a pair of shoes.

The shoe remains master of the screen for hours, and broadcast back to normal when deciding Gaddafi, the Libyan Colonel note that the controls in this matter from his headquarters in Bab Azizia turned the day into something like a tourist destination.

During the occupation of the shoe of the screen continues to staff in the official channels in their work routine, and continue to broadcast programs and news broadcasts, fearing to return at any moment without warning.
In another incident, Tripoli, complained at one stage of the abundance of waste in the streets.
The Gaddafi on a rainy day, Asif Bashir Friendly mayor's offices in the coastal city tour, and make it gather funds for the land waste their contents scattered by the wind, then asked him to convey his office to a place above the landfill of waste.
With foreignersThese attitudes are not limited to the Libyans, it received a number of foreign leaders, including their share as well.
It recalls a senior Libyan official that the former Libyan colonel "at one point decided to welcome in his hometown of Sirte, the former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan.
He adds that, "Annan, who wants to talk with Gaddafi about the possibility of delivery of Abdel Basset al-Megrahi - convicted of the Lockerbie case - the transfer of the spin by the car remained for hours in one area, then put in a tent."
He points out that Gadhafi's aides placed behind the tent and a camel, and they were taunting the camel through the night screaming so loud, and then asked Annan around him whether it would hear the roar of a lion, they replied saying "No, it is a camel."
In another incident, he sat down Gadhafi and his aides in return for French President Jacques Chirac and his entourage in one of the tents Gaddafi in Libya, in the midst of the debate, the President of the Gaddafi Nuri Almsamera a ceremony that will sweep the dust inside the tent.
The Libyan official that "This went on for a long time, and make the dirt flying everywhere, and when he was a former Prime Minister Shukri Ghanem asked cuneiform stop what is doing the latter ignores the request because it had already received it from Gaddafi, and he can not stop until requested to do so ".

Source: French

Breast milk develop the mind of children

A recent study showed that the increased reliance on the mother's milk in child nutritionduring the first year, which may improve cognitive development.

The study, published in the journal "Pediatrics", released today that increasing the proportion of meals and breastfeeding what is happening between him and the child ofmeals milk before the first fourteen months of his life, may be associated with the increased level of mental development.

The research team - which included specialists from a number of academic bodies in the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain - that were linked in the past between breastfeeding and improved neurological development in children, but it was not known to what extent canthe benefits of food to breast milk that explain this link.

The researchers had to implement a study to assess the role of psychological factorswhen the parents and the levels of unsaturated fatty acids with a long series in the milkAllaba - the milk produced by the breast during the first days after birth - and their impact on the association between breastfeeding and neurological development in children.

The study targeted more than 650 women who were held for follow during the first trimester of pregnancy, where information is gathered from parents and breastfeedingby questionnaires designed for this purpose.

Source: Quds Press

Prevalence of drug workers amid America

Image via Wikipedia

Experts said the arrest of more than 35 people accused of drug trafficking in one of the factories of Boeing military aircraft highlights the growing problem of abuse of narcotic drugs among the workers in the United States.
Has directed the federal authorities on Thursday charged 37 people for Boeing employees to sell or attempt to buy painkillers and anti-anxiety drugs in the company's factory on the outskirts of Philadelphia.
The authorities said that agents from the FBI raided the factory and arrested suspects, noting that disclosure of secret deals were concluded over the four years between the agents and factory workers.
However, outside of these investigations, it remains to detect this kind of misuse of drugs is much harder to detect use of illegal substances such as marijuana and cocaine.
Taking place today in the U.S. tests on the workers before hiring them to detect whether they consume narcotic substances or abuse to deal with some prescription medications.
According to the diagnosis of Quest, more than 40% of American workers were the results of their experiments with more positive for opiates and sedative prescription during the year 2009 compared to 2005 has been confirmed by Boeing and a link between these items and more accidents in the workplace.
However there are gaps in the level of testing evidence suggests that the abuse of prescription drugs is on the rise.
According to an annual survey released in the United States, only 2.7% of Americans abusing prescription drugs for non-medical reasons, and increased rates of treatment for abuse of prescription painkillers 400% over the past decade.
These statistics have prompted the administration of President Barack Obama to fight a battle against so-called "epidemic of prescription drug abuse."

Source: Reuters

England prohibits tobacco vending machines

Income ban cigarette vending machines in England into force, to be applied later in therest of the UK.

Quoted by British media by the Ministry of Health yesterday that cigarette vending machines are banned in Britain as of Saturday, and that all who violate the ban fined2500 pounds sterling.

The ministry said the ban would do to prevent children from buying cigarettes, and help adults who are trying to stop smoking.

You will feel and restaurants and bars in England, the impact of the ban to be followed by Northern Ireland in the first of February 2012, Scotland and Wales later.

And apply other measures to combat smoking in Britain, including a ban on display of tobacco products in stores starting from April / April 2012.

This step will make Britain the first European country to impose such restrictions oncertain products.

The aim of the new measures to reduce smoking rates in Britain, which is the leading cause of death in this country as it kills more than 87 thousand British year.

Source: UPI

Aspirin cause of loss of sight of the elderly

Image via Wikipedia

Baltnks increase the risk of degeneration (loss of sight of age-related) in adults who take aspirin twice daily, compared with those not taking it, according to a study in Europe.
The study - published in the Journal of Ophthalmology - that aspirin raises the concern if it leads to a worsening of defective eye view of the number of adults who depend on it daily to combat heart disease.
The William Christen of the Women's Hospital in Boston that for people who suffer from age-related macular degeneration, it is not wise to probably recommend using aspirin.
And collection of researchers, led by Paulus de Jong in the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the Medical Center academic information on the health and lifestyles of more than 4,700 people over the age of 65 years and the study included adults from Norway, Estonia, Britain, France, Italy, Greece and Spain.
According to de Jong told Reuters that there is disagreement about the link between heart disease and macular degeneration and his team analyzed accurately as possible about whether the heart disease may impact on results, he found that users of aspirin regardless of their blood pressure are at risk of developing type most serious loss of vision .
Dead bodyAnd finds that for people with heart disease who take the drug to maintain their health from deteriorating, the benefits of aspirin comparable risks to the health of the eyes, adding, "Ein sound eyesight has no interest in the body is dead."
Noting there are more studies followed people over time and recorded their use of aspirin and their cases will contribute in solving the visual role of aspirin in macular degeneration.

And 36 wounded among the 839 people taking aspirin on a daily basis in advanceddisease called wet macular degeneration, or about four out of every hundred are dependent on the drug a day, by contrast, was wounded about two out of every hundreddo not take aspirin frequently the same type of macular degeneration.

And lead type combined with moisture, which results in leakage of blood vessels in the eye to vision loss in the middle of the field of vision in the eye and the dry type is more common and less threatening, although sufferers also suffer from defective vision.

The types of wet and dry macular degeneration, the main causes of vision loss amongadults over sixty years, which affects millions of people in the United States.

The researchers found that the use of aspirin is not associated with the dry form, not even the early stages of the disease.

Kristen said Reuters: "I ​​do not think so amazing I think that the effects of aspirin may be different in the early stages of age-related macular degeneration more than the later stages."

Source: Reuters

Nobel Medicine for scientists immunity

جائزة نوبل للطب تذهب لثلاثة علماء لأبحاثهم حول المناعة
Won three scientists are Bruce Boitler from the United States, and Jules Hoffman of Luxembourg, and Ralf Steinmann from Canada, the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2011 a reward for their work in the area of ​​the immune system, and that before he announced at a later date for the death of Steinmann three days ago.
The Nobel Committee said in a statement that the winners of the Nobel Prize for this year have made a revolution in the understanding of the immune system, and the President regarding the principles of being discovered to activate it.
And allows the immune system of the body to defend itself, where release molecules of antibodies and killer cells in response to an attack from viruses or bacteria.
This research and pave the way for new drugs, and allow to address deficiencies in the immune system such as asthma and "Crohn's" and rheumatoid arthritis.
The Nobel Committee explained that the work of these scientists to open new horizons for the development of prevention and treatment of inflammation and cancer.
Will share "Boitler" and "Hoffman" half of the prize estimated at over one million euros, for their work on the innate immune system, is rewarded with "Steinmann" access to the remaining half for his discoveries in the field of the acquired immune system.
Later, the committee announced its decision to the donor of the award that Steinmann, died last Friday of 68-year-old died from pancreatic cancer, which is confirmed by the news of the Rockefeller University, the U.S. works where the world winner.
Did not provide details of the Nobel Committee for more news, not for the fate of the deceased's share of the world award.
It is noteworthy that the season of Nobel prizes for 2011 opened on Monday in Stockholm to declare winners of Medicine, followed by Physics prize on Tuesday, chemistry on Wednesday, literature on Thursday, or Thursday next, then the economy on October 10 / October.
The most awards in anticipation of, a peace prize, the winner will be announced by Friday, October 7 / October in Oslo, and may be of a share of the faces of "Arab spring" according to the weights.

Japan respond to Internet attacks

Image via Wikipedia

Nikkei business daily reported on Sunday that Japan intends to work more closely with private companies through the sharing of information on the attacks on the Internet, after exposure of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to penetrate.

The newspaper - without reference to the source - that the government also plans toratify the international treaty on cybercrime.

The United States pressured Japan recently for further actions against Internet attacks,after it announced that Mitsubishi is working closely with Boeing in September /September leak information on the electronic network.

The newspaper said that Tokyo was considering the requests from private companies, including utilities and the trains run defense, construction, automotive and electronics, to sign an agreement with public bodies to share information on Internet attacks.

She added that immediately after application of the Convention will share the government and public bodies on widely information on such attacks, without specifyingany target companies.

The newspaper said that the government also plans to ratify the Convention onCybercrime, which deals with breaches of network security and other Internet crimes,through the establishment of an international network to provide assistance toinvestigators worldwide.

Source: Reuters

Widespread protests in America

Taken a campaign of protest against the big companies in the United States a new impetus with the widening scope to begin in other areas amid expectations thatgradually increase in size because of the difficult economic conditions and the inability of the U.S. administration to address the issue of unemployment.

After joining the campaign, "the occupation of Wall Street" financial heart of the city ofNew York their third week on Monday, has seen other cities with the protesters on WallStreet in New York, the departure of hundreds of demonstrators in Los Angeles - who demonstrate every day since last Saturday - In Boston, where the marching more than one hundred one person in the main streets.

In Chicago, marching 11 days ago about fifty protesters in the business district in the region, which includes the major companies and financial markets.

According to the sources of American media that the campaign - which he saysorganizers in New York they are inspired by students' revolutions Arab - is still in the scope is currently limited, but this escalation phase will soon arrive to the stage to movethe protest with real attract more people dissatisfied with the economic situation in general and the poor management of President Obama on the living, particularlyunemployment.

Despite the differences of objectives between the demonstrators, same sources say that the headlines for the protests on Wall Street and their counterparts in other cities fall under a number of reasons the most important packages economic stimulus andbailouts of big companies, and others, including unemployment, debt, student, and climate change, and police brutality in dealing with demonstrators.

Did not hide some Americans fear that these demonstrations turned into a state ofviolence and cases of looting similar to what happened in Britain recently and isconvinced, particularly among left-wing currents of a U.S. deficit of President Obama and anger toward the policies of the two major parties Democratic and Republicanalike.

And enhance these possibilities, joining George Soros - one of the world's richest men -to sympathize with the protests against the background of the provision of financial support for large companies on Wall Street rather than addressing the real causes.

However, U.S. sources reported that the biggest problem facing the protests so far is toattract media coverage that will allow appropriate - according to the words of the organizers of the protest movement - is room for expansion and Alazead up to thedemonstrations as Tahrir Square in Cairo.

Source: French

U.S. accused pleads not guilty to terrorism

One of the evidence presented by the prosecution against the paradise (French)

Payment of a U.S. citizen accused of plotting to attack the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense and Congress in Washington by small aircraft bombs pleaded not guilty at the first meeting of his trial, which adjourned its deliberations to the twentieth of this month.

Monday was like paradise Radwan (26 years) - who was arrested Wednesday in an ambush by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - in front of the court and Urkstr, Massachusetts, near Boston in the north of the United States.

After the rejection of paradise to the indictment against him in the case for the prosecution and pleaded them, the judge agreed to postpone the request of the meeting to consider the defense lawyers requested unconditional release of his client to the twentieth of October / October.

Paradise faces a life sentence if convicted of the crimes alleged against him aconspiracy and the planning of terrorist acts in order to murder American citizens, andsabotage of military facilities and attempting to provide material support to terrorists in Iraq, al Qaeda.

The indictment
He cited the indictment that paradise was prepared for the attacks since January 2010and adopted in evidence on models of small aircraft and a record of calls to him with others announcing his intention - according to a novel FBI - "attack the infidel armiesand kill the largest number of people."

The indictment adds that element of paradise informed the FBI that he belongs to al-Qaeda plans to attack the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense (Pentagon), Congress (Capitol) by small aircraft is remote-controlled "like a small plane without a pilot."

And presentation of the prosecution two models of the aircraft and two F-R PhantomF-86 Sabre length ranging between 1.5 meters and two meters and display rangesbetween 1.2 meters and 1.6 meters, to be Hacoheme explosives as well as his intention to use the six people - is among them - armed with automatic weapons.

In April / April 2011 expanded the paradise of his plan - in accordance with the decision of the indictment - to include the Capitol, and shortly afterwards handed component of the FBI Memories electronic portable includes details of his plan, noting that Firdausmonitoring sites and by portraying them in May / last May in preparation for the implementation of the scheme .


Pirates of mobile phones also

After computers, computer hackers began targeting mobile phones to steal the data stored in them, which may include data Mtakulh financial transactions.

According to The New York Times that they already managed to penetrate the mobile public figures in the West, such as Prince William, and Scarlett Johansson, which provides companies to protect the information an opportunity to expand its activities by producing programs that provide greater protection from hacker attacks and other programs and harmful viruses threaten the personal data of phone owners phones.
Among the data messages to text or personal, and data on the location of users of those phones.
One example is offered by the newspaper to penetrate systems, mobile phones, the success of pirates this year in the robbery of eighty of applications related to the system "Android" through a malicious program called the "Druid Dream."
The pirates, malicious code into applications stolen, and paid users to download these programs as a pseudo-real programs from the system, Android. The company Google has announced that 260 thousand phones branded exposed to attacks from pirates.
To combat these attacks, companies have begun specializing in information protection programs practical steps to stop the penetration.
New York Times and remember in this connection that the company "Mac Avi" began yesterday in promoting the new service enables users to protect their smartphones, including their computers and tablet PCs.
The same company last week introduced a program to protect the special corporate mobile devices.
During the last month, the company concluded, "AT & T partnership" with the company "Juniper Networks" to protect the production of applications for mobile phones for the benefit of users as individuals and companies.
And entered the U.S. Department of Defense on the line when called on the companies and universities to discuss ways to protect the devices that are running Android from malicious programs.
While international companies such as "Company Lock Out" competing with each other to face the new threat to pump tens of millions of dollars in investments for production and development of protection programs for returning a significant profit, the movement of the New York Times as experts that hackers mobile phones do not pose a major threat after.
However, they acknowledge the other hand, that the threat of pirates is based with the increasing use of mobile in the conduct of financial transactions, including through credit cards.

Source: New York Times

Graphics Bmgarh children in France

Cave dating back to prehistoric and children participants, aged between three and seven years (European)

British researchers said that the fees that were found in a cave in France and return to the pre-history is the work of children between three and seven years, which indicates that there is an area dedicated to children in the cave.

Jessica explained Connie archaeologist at the University of Cambridge, the British that the fees found in a cave in Mammoth Hundreds Rovinyak back to about 13 thousand years, making one of the children were identified by sex and age of a new methodology devised by researchers at Cambridge.

Said Connie to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) The more children that synthesis of concern in the cave is a five-year-old.

She added, "We found signs of children aged between three and seven years, and we were able to identify four children by matching their scores, and that more children who drew their fingers excellence in the age of five, and we are almost certain about it girl."

Thousands of people visit the cave which is located in an area Doron in western France to see the fees mammoths, rhinoceros and horses found in the cave, which extends over an area of ​​five kilometers, was discovered in the sixteenth century.

Archaeologists discovered not only in 1956 that some of the most exciting fees dating back to prehistory, and in 2006 discovered that some of the children drew a charge with the fingers without the use of pigment for coloring.

Connie explained that one of the chambers of the cave filled with drawings of children, suggesting that it was no space for them, but is not yet clear whether the room is dedicated to fun or what was the tradition.

Source: UPI

Twitter reveals the mood of the world

Image via CrunchBase

Show site Twitter social web that people are more joy in the morning and become bleaker with the expiration of the daylight hours, and then Tamanm joy in the evening to peak before bed.

As well as people to be happier than the December / January to late June when it increases the time period of the day and gradually in the northern hemisphere.

And with the location of Twitter as a measure of the mood of the world studied the sociologists comment 509 million from 2.4 million users in 84 countries during the period from January to February 2010 according to research published on Thursday the journal Science.

The researchers, from Cornell University, the bad news even if you signed up for a complete stranger affect users of the site frustrated.
The researchers added that the location-based Twitter five years ago which allows users to broadcast comments represent an unprecedented opportunity to study human behavior and social networks.

The researcher said sociologist and study co-Michael Massey remarks by telephone Friday, "Twitter provides an unprecedented opportunity for scientists to study the social behavior and interaction in real-life gradient time hour by hour and day by day throughout the year, and to do so at the level of the population in millions across the world."

Massey added that previous studies were inconclusive, perhaps because of their reliance on samples is represented in full.

Daily moodHe explained that the daily mood swings over the weekend will be like the variability in the rest of the week, which shows that the work is not a reason in the volatile mood because most people do not work on the holiday.

The repeat of this harmony in different parts of the world from India, Africa, Australia and New Zealand to Britain, Canada and the United States, and that his group will focus more coming period on behavior, not only on the feeling and it will analyze moods to feelings of more specific such as anxiety and depression.

For a copy of the global mood was discussed in the comments of scientists reach her for about a thousand words, and involve positive emotions such as OK and wonderful and excellent, and negative such as the scared and crazy and horror. The researchers studied up to four hundred comments from everyone, and it excluded them in their accounts less than 25 comment.

The researchers pointed to a survey conducted recently by the U.S. Twitter users found that 51 percent of whites and 24% of African Americans and 17% of Latinos.

In another study published in the journal (Science), researchers at the University of Vermont, select a calendar to keep track of comments last year, ended in early September / September, and saw that the average decline in happiness has fallen from October / November last year.

The killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the clear low point, followed by a narrow margin, Japan earthquake, riots of London in August / August, and the tenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 / September.

Source: Reuters

Twitter reveals the mood of the world

Image via CrunchBase

Show site Twitter social web that people are more joy in the morning and become bleaker with the expiration of the daylight hours, and then Tamanm joy in the evening to peak before bed.

As well as people to be happier than the December / January to late June when it increases the time period of the day and gradually in the northern hemisphere.

And with the location of Twitter as a measure of the mood of the world studied the sociologists comment 509 million from 2.4 million users in 84 countries during the period from January to February 2010 according to research published on Thursday the journal Science.

The researchers, from Cornell University, the bad news even if you signed up for a complete stranger affect users of the site frustrated.
The researchers added that the location-based Twitter five years ago which allows users to broadcast comments represent an unprecedented opportunity to study human behavior and social networks.

The researcher said sociologist and study co-Michael Massey remarks by telephone Friday, "Twitter provides an unprecedented opportunity for scientists to study the social behavior and interaction in real-life gradient time hour by hour and day by day throughout the year, and to do so at the level of the population in millions across the world."

Massey added that previous studies were inconclusive, perhaps because of their reliance on samples is represented in full.

Daily moodHe explained that the daily mood swings over the weekend will be like the variability in the rest of the week, which shows that the work is not a reason in the volatile mood because most people do not work on the holiday.

The repeat of this harmony in different parts of the world from India, Africa, Australia and New Zealand to Britain, Canada and the United States, and that his group will focus more coming period on behavior, not only on the feeling and it will analyze moods to feelings of more specific such as anxiety and depression.

For a copy of the global mood was discussed in the comments of scientists reach her for about a thousand words, and involve positive emotions such as OK and wonderful and excellent, and negative such as the scared and crazy and horror. The researchers studied up to four hundred comments from everyone, and it excluded them in their accounts less than 25 comment.

The researchers pointed to a survey conducted recently by the U.S. Twitter users found that 51 percent of whites and 24% of African Americans and 17% of Latinos.

In another study published in the journal (Science), researchers at the University of Vermont, select a calendar to keep track of comments last year, ended in early September / September, and saw that the average decline in happiness has fallen from October / November last year.

The killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the clear low point, followed by a narrow margin, Japan earthquake, riots of London in August / August, and the tenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 / September.

Source: Reuters

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