
Egyptian citizen kills his friend to marry his wife!

مواطن مصري يقتل صديقه ليتزوج زوجته!

Egyptian police were able to unlock the mystery worker found dead amid plantations in the western province with gunshot bullets.

And the relocation of "gate-Ahram", it turned out that his friend crime carried out in agreement with the wife of the victim, so they could marry after that. The accused was arrested and the wife and confessed to committing the crime.

The case began when he received a security manager western tip of finding the body (45, laborer) Central plantations in the area of ​​the camp with gunshot wounds.
Research team has been formed to unravel the mysteries of the incident. The investigation revealed that the perpetrator (43 years old, unemployed) friend of the victim, and claims agreement with the wife of the dead man (21 years), adding that he agreed with her ​​to get rid of it because of ill-treatment of her husband and severe mean and to be able to marry after that.

When the accused was arrested, confessed in detail lured the victim, and shot and his body was left where found in agreement with his wife, which is recognized other details of its agreement with the murderer of her husband.

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