
Ten of the most influential stories and stir published by "Wikileaks"

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Within two years, is the period of the existence of the site "Wikileaks" position became open the eyes of people who want to know what is going on behind the scenes of international politics and here a list of the most exciting documents published "Wikileaks".

In tenth place: news came about corruption in Egypt, however, this information was not surprised international observers. The system of corruption was perceived to be the Mubarak regime, and the government was taking action against journalists and bloggers who dare to criticize Mubarak, also has knowledge of relations between Egypt, United States of America.

In ninth place: the Syrian file, a late revelations site "Wikileaks" on materials related to Syria, Documents show the relationship between the Syrian authorities and giant industry Italian Finmeccanica (Finmeccanica), which provided for Syria radios high-tech enables devices force maintaining the confidentiality of communications , has been supplying Syria, to systems priced only $ 15 million.

In eighth place: Palestine, which appeared that it was ready to cooperate, Documents indicate the fact that the Palestinians were willing to serious concessions to normalize the Middle East conflict, and which surprised many was announced the Palestinian National Authority is ready to give more land to halt settlement construction. Some radical-minded Palestinians raised their displeasure this news, but in the end the whole world knew that Israel's position behind the negotiating table and one is an all-or-nothing.

In seventh place: around the embassy, ​​and the intention here Embassy of Ecuador in London, where lies more than 6 months founder "Wikileaks" Julian Assange, although the Ecuador granted political asylum but that the British threatened the possibility of storming the embassy in response to this move and capture Assange. This is practically what sparked noisy reactions Although this problem subsided where the back of the real face of the British, and some condemned the British authorities that they do not respect the rights of the embassies of other countries despite international laws

In sixth place: violence in Mexico, a serious drug problem node in this country a long time ago, and drug dealers connected with the police, the army and the government in this country. Site "Wikileaks" the publication of documents from the United States confirming that weapon and money drug dealers play a role in local elections and elections conservatives and national elections in Mexico in 2009, and this figure known Mexicans that the United States stands against leaders of the country and sharply, The document issued as a comment on election results on time.

In fifth place: Guantanamo, this famous prison, the president of the United States of America Barack Obama has not been implemented so far and promise to close this prison. Has revealed "Wikileaks" data on most existing guests this prison who are called dangerous criminals, are in fact simple and soldiers as well as innocent Afghan and Pakistani were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In fourth place: distrust Karzai, the war in Afghanistan does not end, and the United States continue to talks with the Afghan authorities about the presence of troops on the territory of the State after 2014. Since not long crossed the United States for caution from Hamid Karzai, according to the document published in the "insiders", "is someone who is unbalanced and weak does not know anything about the national construction" Is changed look hardware America, this is still not clear.

In third place: genetically modified crops in the world. In the United States have been raising the issue of genetically modified crops for the referendum, but ignorance of most Americans that in 2007 the U.S. Embassy in Paris to start a war of goods with the European Union countries, which stood against the cultivation of genetically modified crops. In documents "Wikileaks" American diplomats expressed disappointment that the Pope in Rome, which was supported by their claim of genetically modified crops, did not announce it publicly.

In second place: spies like us, to become a spy is not far-fetched and could not have been delayed, this is confirmed by some American diplomats who hired a U.S. intelligence to gather information about international figures, cards and mobile phone numbers, to credit card numbers Banking and even fingerprints.

In the first place: willful killing, probably knows many video story published by "insiders" while the Apache helicopter opened fire on the Iraqis as if it a computer game, and without taking into account the presence of foreign journalists. This video is the first cause of fame "insiders" and the true face of war, where the teens without realizing kill real people.
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