
A stewardess on a U.S. plane yelling about the possibility of a crash

Said a passenger plane belonging to the American Airlines plane that the crew and passengers overpowered the flight attendant began shouting about a possible plane crash in the interior of the aircraft radio on Friday and returned the aircraft that were not taken off after the entry passage to the passengers.
He said airport spokesman David Madjana the incident, which occurred at the airport in Dallas-Fort Worth International led to the pilot to return to include it into the corridor where I took the police and agents from the FBI that the host is not recognized on the identity of the psychological evaluation.
The travelers arrived at O'Hare International Airport later that the host began to chatter in the air for technical problems, saying "Dear Leader can not be responsible for the crash of this plane."
He said passengers had not been revealed his identity, in comments broadcast on Radio W.. Me. Me. Mother in Chicago "did not want one and then after it said" Crash "twice we know that there is something wrong."
He said another passenger did not know himself, "She said she was suffering from a disorder so we continue to hold them to the police arrived. When attending put handcuffs on her hands and Anzloha of the plane."
The host also talked about losing friends in the attacks of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.
The newspaper Dallas Morning News for traveling Whitney Bessler, "She said she only wants to save you people and it will not bear the responsibility if the plane crashed."
Bethany said Cristakos for Dallas Observer "She was talking about the bloody murder."
Madjana said that adding another suffered minor injuries during the dispute on the plane bound for Chicago.
He said the FBI and airport police said they have no plans to host any accusation of a crime.

Source: Reuters

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