
Huge demonstration calling for the resignation of Hungary's government

Thousands of people protested outside the Hungarian parliament building on Saturday, calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his government, which represents the center-right, which they say have undermined the democratic values ​​and the weakened economy.
Said Peter Cunha leader of the Solidarity movement in front of the Hungarian six thousand of his supporters "Today we can say definitively and clearly it must vote to exclude Viktor Orban and his gang as soon as possible in the elections."
Solidarity movement and one of the few popular organizations spread last year to fill the vacuum that emerged when the party was unable to exploit the opposition Socialist Party lost support for the ruling.
It was the first demonstration of a series of such demonstrations for and against the government and the usual during the National Day of the Magyar on 15 March.
Alliance Party and the Democrats refused to young men (Fides) ruling this demonstration, saying he began to restore economic stability and work successfully to maintain political stability in this process.
The rate dropped support for Orban and his party after their arrival to power in 2010 two-thirds majority which is unprecedented in the parliament.
And show one opinion polls n rate support for Fidesz was 25 percent. Is scheduled for the next election in 2014.
Critics say the government weakened the system of separation of powers such as the Constitutional Court and its powers strengthened in the area such as the judiciary and the organization of the media.
As the ruling party passed a new constitution without consulting the opposition parties with little, while his economic policies have led to non-traditional shook the confidence of the markets and contributed to the weakening Hungarian currency.
Source: Reuters

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