
A cat run for U.S. Senate elections

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Channel quoted, "Fox News" said that he had never been nominated named "Hank", live in the city Sebrengfld capital of the U.S. state of Virginia, for election to the U.S. Senate. The cat's independent candidate whose name is contained in the forms.
Said Matthew O'Leary, owner of the cat, who runs his campaign that one of the tasks that will be carried out in the cat if it happens on the job will be to provide new job opportunities. As stated in the "cat Candidate" who was homeless just a few days ago, that the creation of new job opportunities will enable the improvement of life in cities and the country as a whole. Cat Hank has promised that "each bowl will be filled with milk," If voters chose him. The program can be found on the cat in its own candidate and Cefanah in each of the "Logo" and "Twitter."
Hank and compete with the professional politicians in the state are Republican George Allen and Democrat Tim Kaine. Cat and aspires to take over as the representative of the state of Virginia in the Senate and the current owner does not intend to run for the James Webb being awarded in the coming elections.
The cat Hank is not the first animal in the United States decided to enter the world of politics, which had previously been nominated for a dog named "Woodrow" for the post of governor of Texas in 2010 n also recorded another dog named "Bosco" his name in history, as it served as the Honorary President of the City Sagnol, California, in the period between 1981 and 1994.
Source: Russia Today

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