
Canada follow the lead of America and provide the platform coupled monkeys tablet

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Scheduled to provide Alorngōtan monkeys at the zoo in Toronto Canada in the near future platform coupled to the Tablet PCs. It will allow application software "Apps For Apes" special monkeys to tablet computers, will allow these animals to see videos and listen to music and even use the system via a video conference organizer.
And David Zimmerman said the author of software in an interview, told "Bustmedia News" said: "We plan to extend the wireless internet to be able to monkeys in different parts of the zoo to see each other on the screens of computers." "We would like to be there more information available to the monkeys. We see that such activity will benefit the mental development of monkeys."
Has been proven by experience the zoo in the city of Milwaukee mandate Asknnsens U.S. fact the ability of monkeys Alorngōtan to use the touch screen and launch different software, where he said Yan Revert the supervisor of the breeding monkeys in the park, told "Bustmedia News", "The Female Alorngōtan and her son loved the follow-up actions Alorngōtan male who live through a separate computer screen tablet, the two are capable of differentiating between him and the other monkeys easily, as they can see themselves on screen Picture. "
It is believed that biologists continue to use monkeys for tablet computers will contribute to the understanding of decision-making process better.
Source: Russia Today

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