
Sex scandal paid CIA Director to resign

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Before U.S. President Barack Obama Friday the resignation of director of the CIA, David Petraeus, because of his involvement in a sexual relationship outside of marriage, and praised him as one of the most prominent generals of his generation and expressed confidence that the agency will continue to succeed.

Obama said in a written statement, "I trust completely that the CIA success and will continue to implement its core mission (...) and I have complete confidence in Michael Morrell, acting director of the agency."

Obama added that "his heart with Petraeus and his wife, wishing them all the best in this difficult time."

Email Petraeus earlier letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, saying he would resign because of his involvement in a sexual relationship outside of marriage, as reported by the newspaper "Washington Post" American.

Petraeus said in a statement that he showed "a serious miscalculation by entering in a relationship of this kind. Such behavior is not acceptable either as a pair or as a leader of an institution like our organization."

And Petraeus have been married for 37 years of Holly Petraeus, he met a student at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

And led by retired Gen. four-star military campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan, before taking over the presidency of the U.S. Central Intelligence "CIA" in September 2011.

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