
Life imprisonment for raping student journalist

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Punished Criminal Court in Dubai, yesterday, the student (P. P - ‬ 24 years), from the Gulf state, life imprisonment after being convicted of kidnapping and extortion victim (p. A.. Q), journalist, aged ‬ 28 years, and raped her.

Prosecutors said the decision referral that the accused kidnapping and extortion victim (p. A.. Q), by trick, in order to rape her, noting that it took advantage of this love affair between the two, and asked her to come to his home, told her he would present them home, he would wedlock, the separator for its stability.

It showed the prosecution that the accused as soon as the victim into the house, assaulted her, and drag it into the house, and specifically to a room on the first floor, and shut the door, and raped the girl said in her testimony in the investigation prosecutors she was introduced to the accused after a quarrel between the brothers and others, where he was friends of the brothers, and it is the subject of a communication in the police, after he carries out his crime.

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