
Founder of "Wikileaks": Google identifies you more than your mother

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Launched the founder of the site "and" Julian Assange book under the title "Cypherpunk" (encrypted is important) when talking about the secrets of control companies and governments in the world. The book is a dialogue took place between Assange and some friends about the follow-up and prosecution and data protection and the protection of property rights and civil and security policy and other areas.

The idea for the book began through dialogue channel "Russia Today" was the talk about freedom of speech. Assange believes that human life is controlled by the government and private bodies. He said: our whole lives in the site "Facebook" and we practically put them there, and we used mobile phones permanently connected to the Internet. And military and special hardware control all of this. "

A special part of the book was sort of shed light on Internet giants, has said Assange: "If you use Google a lot, it means that he knows about you all, with the talking and your friends and anything looking, and perhaps even sexual orientation, and visibility of religious." He warned of the use of the search engine that knows more about the person than he knows about himself.

The results of this book started giving fruit through the problems faced by the participants in this work, after meeting with Assange tried Jeremy Tsimirman leave States for a united but stopped at the airport and interrogated before two officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the "insiders" and Assange.
Another participant supporter of Assange, a Jacob Aabalbaum been shut down more than a dozen times on the British border.

Russia today

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