
U.S. deaths after winning the competition to eat "live cockroaches" - Video

مصرع أمريكي عقب فوزه بمسابقة لتناول

U.S. citizen was killed after a few minutes of his victory in a competition to eat "the largest amount of live insects."
He won Edward Erhbald (32 years) in the competition which was held in South Florida after eating dozens of crickets, worms and larvae live in just four minutes.

But he felt immediately after the very sick and vomiting constantly, and lost consciousness prior to the receipt of the award, which was about a "huge snake."
U.S. authorities said today that the incident occurred last Friday after the competition, which was held beach "Deerfield" North Miami, and organized a reptile stores.

Siegel explained, the owner of the store, that "all the other racers did not suffer any damage like Erhbald, all of whom signed the papers recognize them take full responsibility." He justified the cause of death as "probably was suffering an allergy to insects."
The doctors made ​​great efforts to revive Erhbald and save him from death, but to no avail.

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