
Jordanian court issued a death sentence on the father raped his daughter 288 times

محكمة أردنية تصدر حكما بالإعدام على أب اغتصب ابنته 288 مره

Criminal Court sanctioned major Jordanian Jordanian father to death by hanging, as punishment for doing repeatedly raping his daughter since she was 11 years under threat of death, according to a judicial source said JD

The source, who preferred anonymity, said that "Criminal Court issued a decision to execute father hanged to death for raping daughter of 17-year-old since she was eleven years old." He added that "the court in its resolution condemned the accused, aged 49 years and detained since May 2008, a felony rape duplicate 288 times."

According to the merits of the case that "the defendant raped the victim daughter for the first time when she was 11 years and against her will, as well virginity and threatened to kill her if she told anyone what to do with it," adding that "After this incident, he repeatedly did earlier and was threatened with death always" .

The source continued that "after being interrupted menstrual cycle and found the girl that she was pregnant, I told her what had happened with her brother, and made the complaint and the prosecution took place." According to the source, the "genetic test result and (de er) showed that the accused is the biological father of the fetus." He stated that the decision is subject to discrimination during the month.

Noteworthy that Jordan stopped the execution of the death penalty since June of 2006. The total number of those sentenced to death in Saudi 86 people, including seven women.

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